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  1. kogislife420

    Most hardy guerrilla strain

    where abouts are you
  2. kogislife420

    First grow with my own seeds

    Dude, yeah I totally agree, although I am only new to growing I like having a nice patch, but I only do so if I know Im safe. My finished produce just gets given away to my mates free of charge and I keep enough pot for myself to indulge on for abit then the next crop comes in, well actually I...
  3. kogislife420

    First grow with my own seeds

    Hows those plants, are you legally allowed to grow outside
  4. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    Ill give you my nutrients, I give my plants a few things, obviously not at once or to the same plant because that can fuck it up :P, I use, fish emulsion, Searles Potash, Dolomite(if your putting in the ground and your soil doesnt look to good), Amgrow Nitrosol, if you ever also come across...
  5. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    yeah my mate scrappedup chicken shit horse shit and other fecal matter from around the farm he only uses seasol white bottle and his plants are over 9ft too bad he is 15 lol and his mentor is 17 haha
  6. kogislife420

    How to get a customer?

    Never sell small if your going to sell larger quantites and let the others smoke it or downsize, sell small and youve got more people running around telling people or if you have not got them and you have reliable customers you still have more of a chance people get caught and the cops offer...
  7. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    The seasol seaweed solution made my first grow bloom i dont see what was wrong with it?
  8. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    No I was gunna say maybe the other way get to the frow with the fan leaves because if you end up with all those shoots taking off you can end up with all those shoots basically turning into their own new plants, I wouldnt bother about the attacked growth, just my own advice follow it or not its...
  9. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    I would cut off damaged leaves and let the new top growth flourish and that plant that has its left side taken down id trim those stems with no leaf on it and maube tie it down so you can focus on the growth that needs the sun?
  10. kogislife420

    cloning? help needed.r

    try honey for a last reault thing my grandpa use to
  11. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    Bug spray = crush 1 garlic clove into little bits then chuck i to cooking pot with same level of water, heat until liquefied then put in spray bottle spray really lightly away from plants in the breeze going towards plants because its potent should work always been good for me, mums old weed...
  12. kogislife420

    Plant growing VERY slowly

    Bro its easier if you just kill that plant, put more seeds in a 100% perlite mix how easy is that, and you can grow a nice seedling in just that with nice roots, dont go adding random soil just 100% perlite itll grow just fine gradually add water to it as it grows not putting to much and not...
  13. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    It just looks like a heap of buds sticking out of a pot hahah
  14. kogislife420

    1 week old how is it looking

    soot bud, growing is easy if you just stick with the basics you will definatley beable to get a fair few oz just dont expect your yield to be what you expect I only got 2 oz off my first grow and that was legendary WW
  15. kogislife420

    1 week old how is it looking

    I dont know why people have to be so condescending I mean its his first grow leave it that positivity will get his plants thriving unlike you people that are only here to put people down
  16. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    yeah nutes are um you know fertilisers and plant food try to look for a bottle of seasol that is in a white bottle, very handy and also id look at buying bag of horse shit and some other manure digging the hole and letting it sit for awhile to decompose, I have a mate that is 15 years old who...
  17. kogislife420

    AUS 2014/15 Outdoor grows

    yeah kirrama range one time
  18. kogislife420

    first outdoor grow

    Yeah just make sure you grow organically it is way more tasty
  19. kogislife420

    AUS 2014/15 Outdoor grows

    We definately do bro we definatley do