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  1. Shadytrees88

    new to autos question regarding feeding

    ok so i got a chart that shows ec to ppm is this pretty close you think ... my meter does ppm.... \ so would u just run A and B base and thats all .. like i said i got alot of supps but only wanna use floralicious + later stages but A and B and rapid to Start with when the nutes need to be put...
  2. Shadytrees88

    Drug Test, Need help, anyone use synthetic urine?

    i use dr greens works every time got temp strip on side , heat for 10 sec in microwave , i bought a jock strap , turn it inside out put under ur boxers our drug guy stands in the door so i had to cut a small hole in the bottom of the jock strap were the tip of bottle could stick out flip the...
  3. Shadytrees88

    Is this a male preflower? Also grow pics inside

    looks like a sack to me also , mine just showed sex today 5 weeks 3 days ..
  4. Shadytrees88

    new to autos question regarding feeding

    i no there is really no definate answer to how much and how offen but ive read alot and talked to alot and still a tid big confused bout feeding these jokers . i do plan on starting at 1/4 strength at week 2 but my confusion starts at some people say start veg nutes im using GH foraduo it...
  5. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Tut at 5 week and 3 days Super cheese 5 3 days Super silver and tut the smalls at 1 week and 4 days and the bigger one is 2 weeks 3 days King tut showing sex today 5 weeks and 3 days Cheese at 5 weeks and 3 days showing sex
  6. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    My lady cheese suffered what me and sheepblood think was a iron def got it worked out and new growth emerging looking good , ... Idk if it was the super cropping I did on her or the lack of nutes but she spit up on me forsure ... So I've backed up on the training till she gets better , the King...
  7. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Yeah lol marketing hype I'm sure ...i just placed a order a few days back but went with herbies instead , no reason for the switch other then it seemed that they have more I guess , there customer service was quick , I ain't got the beans yet so u can have all the variety in the world the...
  8. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    It's femenized seed , I got it as a freebie from gorilla , I got 10 seeds from gorilla all germinated and are great great .. I got 30 seeds comin I gotta figure out a storage method one thing I've never had to do
  9. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Well sent the rock a email bout some samples of possible sure that will be a fat no lol but hey gotta try haha
  10. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    See i got that fox farm marine cruisine for like 20 or 30 bucks I think it's time release , and says mayb once a month u gotta use it so didn't figure that was to bad .
  11. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    i no canna wount sent samples I've read and heard that but I got the flora series to was gonna use that for outdoor grow got it in gallons , but I've read that it's a synthetic and will kill off ur benificials in ur soil ...idk I got 3 lbs of marine cruisine and that stuff u only need to use a...
  12. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I got a question for idk if u no anything bout led but I've got two led illumitex and California light , 280 watts combined along with a 400w hid , u think that is enough light for a 4x4 ... Hard to get any kinda accurate answer from anyone cause being a hybrid system .. If u figure up the...
  13. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Damn hahha ... I got come canna boost and canna pk13/14 bee here in couple days ... Hope they work with my GH NUTES .. I've had good success with GH just tbink that there blooms and boosters r lil on the harsh side for my likings . But we will see I'll get it dialed in .. I've heard so much talk...
  14. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Damn that's no good .. I take cuttings for my outdoor runs but I Belive start in from seed elimates a lot of problems takes a lil longer but in the case of something that u may possibly be dealing with if u have to start over is more time even lost , sucks hope it isn't what u tbink it is and u...
  15. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I use flora duo a+b flora plus, rapid start ,diamond nectar ,molasses . All full strength but first two weeks from seed I just water once the first set of leaves come I'll do 1/4 strength , but since I up potted and use ocean forest and happy frog and ocean is hot somewhat , and since my girls r...
  16. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I busted out my analysis on my bottles my GH A and be both contain .05% iron and b contains .01% I used A mixed to a spray bottle , fonna try that for a couple days I just watered em like yesterday so it be a couple days before I water her again I'll just mix a batch of half strength a and b and...
  17. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Yea I agree , but why would it only be on two lower branches on the tops and not all the lower branch tops .. I Dnt use cal/mag and never have had this issue before with any def , i haven't check the under side of the stems to see color yet but will in morning forsure . Not really any deformed...
  18. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Well they looked perfect before I up potted , I super cropped the one that leaves r yellow on Ive heard that new growth could show a defect cause of stress , my water from tap is 117 being a new pot and all that I've only watered a couple times and only used dimond nectar and rapid start at 1:4...
  19. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Well these are goin outside and they got one more up pot to a 7 gallon smart pot so imma just mix straight frog and forest and no added perlite ... And iron or sulfer def huh , now what would cause that haven't changed anything with my feed nor my water nothin all the same and there was a couple...
  20. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    U ever grew train wreck original la or any at all I got a seed from a buddy that was suppose to be a la strain but I Dnt no here is a pic what u tbink it looks sativa favorable to me but I'm not a super expert ... That was week 4 I think I got em divided on my phone for a complete grow journal...