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  1. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    As for the light I got crazy close nodes like less then half inch on most ... So u think 2 foot would be idea to get good branching and height... Im adding another 400 when the outdoors go out and I start my autos so imma have 2x400 a 270w of led , planing on keepin everytbing bout 3 foot at...
  2. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Come 420 is when our light hits over 12 Hours of daylight , like 13 hours come that date . Our summers are hot 85 to 95 sometimes over 100 in the Midwest , I was afraid of this being a issue with the smart pots... I got the reserve and the ability to water everyday forsure but the amount of ph...
  3. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    On these smart pots I got 7 gal for outside , using one right now others be ready for them in the coming days ... Been using bout 2 gal of water , does that sound right or I'm gettin water out the bottom and side side but I'm just hoping I'm watering throughly enough plant isn't showing any...
  4. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Them 7 gal smart pots I got can u wrap plastic around them sides to hold moisture better in the dead middle of summer
  5. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    damn thems nice .. See I Dnt get that long branchy big huge fan leaves , do I just keep my lights to close or what lol
  6. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Hoping mine show this week .like a lil kid waiting for Christmas lol ... And thanks hope they stay healthy i keep em close and try to use knowledge from everyone on here as I know a lot but always someone better with a lil trick or advice can't wait to see some bud and if all the hard work pays off
  7. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Baby silvers and tuts 2 weeks 3 days
  8. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Slowly getting em tied down little by lil , got another toppin completled , super cheese is doin good now she was so thick the inners was weak didn't wanna let it go that far but she was sick for a week didn't wanna pull and bend on her and snap something and make it worse or add more stress so...
  9. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Hard to tell but there kinda rolled and small ... What should roots smell like just rotten or something that's like sniff sniff ohhhhh shit blat ...
  10. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I'm Sure I would like it lol . I'm sure I can't afford it 2400w bet that sum bitch like 10k lol ... I started with a led before I my hid came in and for two weeks these plants I had were just stout heavy thangs ... Like honestly for a eArly outdoor start if a guy wanted I tbink a led would suit...
  11. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Will do , imma try to start a journal on here and hopefully not fuck it up lol , I document everytbing at home pics ECT pronly not good to have all of it wrote down but oh well ... I'm sure them Aks will do good , I was gonna order some fems so I could get them regular ak , I'm thinkin bout...
  12. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I don't have a issue with gorilla , they seemed a tad slow on the dispatch but that coulda been bc they was busy so not gonna knock that but overall good place X I do tbink however herbies has a better selection across the board but def a better auto selection
  13. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    For my outdoor I got super cheese , super silver and TUTANKHAMON.
  14. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Only thing I didn't like bout herbies was the hocus pocus thing lol I had to call my bank and unblock international purchases and they said well what is the name comin theew so if there is anything else we can block it lol I didn't wanna say hocus pocus haha I'm sure that guy was like this sum...
  15. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    First time for autos , I got a hella setup and what not so we're gonna see im sure the first grow be interesting but I should get it dialed in .. Just tryin sowmtning new , and I do photos outside to so with autos when I start my outdoors in the winter or early spring I can keep my lights on...
  16. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Yea they do ... See I hear it ain't illegal to have seeds cause it contains no thc and is not a plant so technically in theory it ain't if illegal but who is gonna argue when u can just get another order to replace ...
  17. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    So 28 seeds lol gonna be a lot of packs to pack in a strealth packaging if it came like gorilla
  18. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I ordered Cali snow Lsd25 West coast og Jack47 Critical HOG AND GOT 3x white widow Xxl auto 3x critical + And one fem think it was snow buds 21 seesds ordered 7 freebies All autos
  19. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    No I just did stealth , I was gonna do super stealth but I like to save the breeder packs and I feel if there sealed in those it less likely to get seeds mixed up lol , should I have . I got a order from gorilla months ago with breader packs had no troubles what r ur thoughts ... My gorilla...
  20. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Anyone ever had a leaf get like bent say from being pressed up against the pot and it turn brown were the crease or bend is . Don't no if that means something like low humidity or what but on both sides were the bend is is normal green and like a couple of the lead edges like rip or tear if that...