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  1. DSinatra

    Diatomaceous earth feeding. silica?

    Yeah I can't find a straight answer anywhere online, no articles on exactly on how to feed. Just vague passages here and there. My wife used to drink it. It has a bunch of benefits apparently. And az keep me posted on how your feeding with it turns out. Thanks brothers
  2. DSinatra

    Diatomaceous earth feeding. silica?

    I was going to purchase some silica but I became aware that diatomaceous earth is 60-80% silica. Has anyone had experience or knowledge on feeding with DE?
  3. DSinatra

    Happy Frog? Never Again

    Quality control is pretty bad
  4. DSinatra

    Happy Frog? Never Again

    So I'm using Fox farms happy frog soil and I'll tell you I will never purchase another bag from them again. It's not a bad soil, I'mjust keeping it real. Little did I know when buying happy frog it comes with a eco system of insects and pests.. no extra charge. Fungus gnats, spiders, stink...
  5. DSinatra

    Fungus Gnats eradication?

    I was thinking of using hydrogen peroxide but that'll also kill me healthy microbes and such. Apple cider vinegar seems useless. Yellow stickey traps will get rid of them overtime if placed on the soil bed. I heard something about blue stickys but up high for some reason. Anyone heard of that...
  6. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    Wow that's impressive. Where's the link?
  7. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    What's hempy
  8. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    Holy Shit dude how did they get so big??
  9. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    Lol sorry guys. I thought they were k cups
  10. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    This is it. It started flowering like last week
  11. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    This is what I mean
  12. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    Not that kind of k cup. The plastic red cups you take out for a birthday party. I'd say 12oz
  13. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    K cup is like the red party plastic cups
  14. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    I agree about the one puff thing. But once autos flower that's is there is no getting better. I will transplant in something slightly bigger but yield won't improve. I'm just wondering if I can flower and feed as usuall and still have a normal plant just a dwarf
  15. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    I agree but once roots bounce is when it starts flowering. Isn't it true wether I transplant or not there will be no expansion?
  16. DSinatra

    auto's in k cups?

    I got a couple autos to play around with. One of them started glittering in the k cup so I'm gonna let it rock in there. I know I'll probably only get a gram if even possible to be successful in the k cup. Anyone have any input?
  17. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

  18. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    But wouldn't
  19. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    From all the info I have been getting majority of opinions goes to n toxicity
  20. DSinatra

    curling tips, ph?

    I will do.hat right now