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  1. danknugg

    What is more stressful. Pinching or LST (Poll)

    LST=LowStressTraining=Tie Down Pinching/Bending=Stress Training=Damage (beneficially) LST+Pinching/bending= SuperCroping=YIELD Please, do not spread bad knowledge....
  2. danknugg

    Long calyx's

    looks good to me mate! long calyx=long buds! (i hope)
  3. danknugg

    Mutant seedling

    looks good bro its exploding!
  4. danknugg

    I'm new, any tips from some veterans?

    don't buy seeds, use some from your favorites IMO. Less is sometimes more when it comes to nutes, especially when theyre young, patience is your best friend
  5. danknugg

    How to stop yellowing of leave/dying..

    give the leaves that look bad on the bottom a tiny tug, if they want to stay let them otherwise pluck em IMO
  6. danknugg

    lil bit of help please

    i like em purple, purple is good, yellow is bad
  7. danknugg

    Cfl lighting and details to growing one plant in closet

    6500k for vegg 2700k for flower look for those numbers, you can get away with about 50 watts for vegg for at least 5 weeks
  8. danknugg

    Whats the punishment for stealing electric?

    Why!?!? Sunlight is freeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  9. danknugg

    3 Gallon Final pot?

    3 is fine, but not optimal, BIGGER IS BETTER!
  10. danknugg

    Someone Please help

    heat stress, maybe lack of nitrogen
  11. danknugg

    does marijuana grow in day or nighttime or both?

    in general daytime is growth above ground and night time is growth under ground, not 100% accurate but IMO roots do better with some sleep
  12. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    i actually have a box fan that just barely squeezes in and moves quite a bit of air so i kinda covers the whole grow lol its basically the back wall
  13. danknugg

    does marijuana grow in day or nighttime or both?

    the roots grow more during night
  14. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    Thanks for the great advice! I intend to open the dresser everyday for fresh air and have some fans inside but i do not plan on intake or exchange air, just moving the same air around for awhile. I do realize they will get hot I am just wondering how many I can have without venting thats...
  15. danknugg

    CFL question (newbie, first grow)

    lumens are a measure of how much light a HUMAN eye can see and IMO are not a good calculator. You should be fine with the lights you have but if you have the coin why not upgrade?
  16. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    I would go hps but I am set on not venting this thing! Plus i think CFLs r cool lol
  17. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    P.S. I understand how a cfl light works at least on the smaller watts and I like to think I will be able to maximize my light output
  18. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    Thanks I was thinking that may be the way to do it, but at the same time not so much lol. My main concern with a bigger light is heat. Is my space big enough for say 3-4 85 watt cfls 2x3x3 feet? I already have a bunch of smaller cfls and the sweet lil outlet converter plugs all i need is some Y...
  19. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    I was trying to imagine this lol! That is why i don't want to find out the hard way on this one haha. This grow is just for fun but I would like to have a goal and a plan in mind. How many watts can I run in there and keep it under 85*
  20. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    Thanks man good advice, I plan on FIM once and LST the rest of the way. So you would say about 4x26=104 watts PER plant?