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  1. DarthD3vl

    Hey man, im back around here every now and again so keep me updated on your grows if you have...

    Hey man, im back around here every now and again so keep me updated on your grows if you have them going again, also im still at the other site if you find your way back over there. Miss your frosty bud pics
  2. DarthD3vl

    What are the kids calling it these days?

    I always say mushrooms have a much higher potential for a freak out than lsd. lsd is sooo lovely.. its just fantastic. ;) Smoking marijuana during the come up can elevate the levels of anxiety you feel during this period. for those not to experinced with hallucinogens, smoking a ton during come...
  3. DarthD3vl

    Increasing the strength of MJ

    It been said that the myrcene (a Terpene) in mangoes may help thc cross the BBB, or potentiate MJ in some other way... theres not a whole lot of reliable studies on the subject, but one other substance to contain myrcene is... thats right, cannabis. if you google it you'll see its mentioned...
  4. DarthD3vl

    Taking an ounce of mush dry or 280 grams wet good idea?

    I think the amount is over kill, you can only stuff so much of a drug into your system.. with that said no you wont die.. i've eaten more than that a few times.. but consider that 280 grams wet takes up alot of room in your stomach.. i've eaten POUNDS of wet shrooms.. and a nice tip is make tea...
  5. DarthD3vl

    ndanger if your out there I miss ya friend

    He's still around, Just not here really.. he'll pop up in places for a few weeks and then dispear like only an endangered specimen can... lol
  6. DarthD3vl

    Increasing the strength of MJ

    What about mango's and myrcene???????????? DONT FORGET THE MYRCENE!!
  7. DarthD3vl

    RC Christmas Present

    I take K orally, My sinuses cant handle powders any more... I haven't tried mxe since i already have Ketamine available. I'd like to try K intramuscularly at least once.
  8. DarthD3vl

    What are the kids calling it these days?

    Have you tried DOI before? I actually loved it until about the 22 hour... I just didn't know it was going to last soooo long. Now that i know what it is, i'd be prepared to take it again, i think it would be quite enjoyable.
  9. DarthD3vl

    What are the kids calling it these days?

    Lsd never lasts over 10-11 hours for me, if i take alot it might last 12, but unless your redosing through out the night any longer an you probably got sold something else, DOC is popular on its own merrits, i would still take it. some of the other DOX's could be good also like DOM or DOB, I've...
  10. DarthD3vl

    Are we just 3D holograms created by 2D information stored at the edge of the universe

    I quit smoking tabacco two years ago todayish! very last cigg was thanksgiving two years ago, so basically today!, glad to hear you made it anc, hope you have a quick recovery.
  11. DarthD3vl

    How I Do Liquid Culture - A Tutorial

    Dont forget Clone LC's from fresh tissue!!! they out preform regular lcs ten fold. good to see you around sonar. by the way I just added a link to this tutorial in the mushroom sticky. ;)
  12. DarthD3vl

    Shotgun Terrarium

    well come on now if he gets a shot gun terr and adds stuff to its its still a shot gun terr. just one with add ons. lol if you take a golden retriever and put a hat on it, its still a golden retriever. lol To the Original Poster. automated terrariums, are very very VERY rarely of the shot gun...
  13. DarthD3vl

    Shotgun Terrarium

    yeah you could automate your air flow, it will take some work to get it dialed just right, you want to keep RH as high as you can while still keeping them from getting choked out by co2, dont forget in shot gun terr. you also have to spray sometimes to keep rh boosted. that could be automated...
  14. DarthD3vl

    Are we just 3D holograms created by 2D information stored at the edge of the universe

    Im sorry to hear that Anc, take care friend, sending good vibes your way.
  15. DarthD3vl

    Experimenting with 4fa and grapefruit juice

    I love grapefruit, most people dont lol, i eat them all the time, but have yet to have one effect any of my drugs..
  16. DarthD3vl

    Are we just 3D holograms created by 2D information stored at the edge of the universe

    Well I'll be sending good vibes your way, take it easy. :joint:
  17. DarthD3vl

    Are we just 3D holograms created by 2D information stored at the edge of the universe

    How are you doing now friend? I had to sign in just to ask. hope all is well now..
  18. DarthD3vl

    Need Help No Lectures Just Want Help Read Please

    wtf? your slackin unnk, i'd have closed this one right off the bat, for the insults and what not.. any ways my guesses to why you didn't get high are either you were already on drugs that may have blocked the effects of the new drugs.. your a regular drug user and your tolerance is to high...
  19. DarthD3vl

    What do you think of Kanna? Do you like it?

    What do you think of Kanna? Do you like it?
  20. DarthD3vl

    Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

    those are the same dehydators I was gonna use, never needed anything more than a fan.. but if im not mistaken those are same brand research kitty used for their massive pf tek grow.