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  1. Sandgrouper

    The UK Growers Thread!

    got the house running through a proxy that i now have to funnel to a anon proxy but will give any connection in the house some stealth
  2. Sandgrouper

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey all.. Any thoughts on letting the bins go dry on like the GWE water farm system? Like you would in soil, etc it makes sense to treat it the same as other mediums, just not sure.
  3. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea good idea man
  4. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea it is a sunmaster dual n the box says shit like more friendly for under / over running, but I just put it back to 600 and reckon the flicker has gone. Any thoughts on letting the bins go dry for 48 hours? Its popular in other mediums and in commercial food crops, not sure in a reticulating...
  5. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I find the maxibright is just warm at 600 - still running the overclock on the bulb, might just be my paranoia but I reckon there is a slight flicker
  6. Sandgrouper

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fuck I hate that word it is "Curse" you bloody dim witted yanks. - fk me give em land and a start and then they ruin the language on you.....
  7. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Half price bulb is pretty sound. Paying more for the second ballast than I did for the ballast, hood and bulb, of the first one. Irish prices are higher, and the dude does not sell maxibright so have to buy another brand might try the Lumatek then, 175 I think it is for the 600 variable. I...
  8. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I am using Canna nutes, the aqua flores range plus boost and pk Started at 1/4 and now around 3/4 or 1500 ppm - going to try a slightly different schedule with the WW - I reckon these have at least 4 weeks left, certainly cannot go by the specified to finish time ministry say If anyone says...
  9. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    lol - Waiting for plants to put weight on in the bud area. Two plants in head one has not started which is a little strange. Again this is all unknown with ministry of cannabis seeds. (not a fan of them) - white widow seedlings look fab - 4 more weeks then they should be in the main tent.
  10. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Its funny how we react to pricing. Personally I don't mind paying a little more for good genetics, I personally like Dutch Passion they have solid genetics and heirloom strains. If all 5 seeds germinated or even 3 or 4 and you wanted your money back your talking two fiddy bags - personally I...
  11. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Morning all, what a game yesterday ay! KnAwesome Not sure yet if I did the right thing scrogging the little angel autos, will know soon enough lots of bud points just look a little shitty at the moment, so fingers crossed for some weight to be packed on.
  12. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Cannot see it being an issue, if you saw how much stuff we have it would make sense that the room is like it is. There will be no sound or smell which only leaves entry to an eunsuite -
  13. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I don't think so, the eunsuite is off the main br that is used as a dressing room so you cannot get to the eunsuite it is walled off by shelves and hanging racks so, it should be a case of shit so that is the storage room.
  14. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Gents - got the best news possible the other day, we have an inspection in 2 weeks *bugger - girls will be full tilt by then, oh well turn the room off for a few hours should not hurt too much.
  15. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey all - what a lovely spring day :) @mdjenks Going well they are, second batch of seeds have popped and the current probably another 4 weeks to finish or there about.
  16. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Funny you should say that I changed res'es over yesturday and increases PPM to 1700 I have been very light handed with the PPM - knowing nothing first hand about autos just some research and knowledge about fast flowering metabolism plants It's all a bit trial & error so far all good apart...
  17. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ill check it out cheers
  18. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    LOL :hump: Yea pretty much - bloody hydro makes you stress far more than soil
  19. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Oh cool bananas, hope the buds don't suffer much Having my own issues here, not really causing problems (yet) but have creeping pH going to try the Canna brand of pH down see if that helps stabilise it (using Canna nutrients) also have one very light looking plant, older growth is well...
  20. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Afternoon. Is this magnesium deficiency common? Or is it more area dependant?