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  1. P

    Newbie Round 2

    Day 12. Going to start nutrients in two days. Going with dyna gro folliage pro.
  2. P

    Newbie Round 2

    Day 9. Still looking good!
  3. P

    Newbie Round 2

    Thanks, I didnt really see anything that related to my issue. Besides raising the humidity the towels also helped lower the surface temperature from 82 o like 75-77. Seems good now so I wont mess with a good thing. Now Ill start researching on when to start feeding.
  4. P

    Newbie Round 2

    Update day 7.... Put a solo cup of water with a towel hanging above and dipped in the water. Did that at 7am and at 6pm only had 1/4 water left. Humidity stayed 35% all day doing this. Between towel, adjusting fan and rearranging my lights it looks much healthier! Still yellow but leaves...
  5. P

    Newbie Round 2

    I checked that and its 7.0. I measured the runoff and its 6.8. Im growing some tomatoes and peppers in the same box and everything looked good last night and tonight two of the plants completely wilted and died and 90% of the other plants are turning yellow. Im really hoping that the low...
  6. P

    Newbie Round 2

    Really freaking out that everything is going to die lol. I moved the fan so that its not blowing directly on the plants. And added two cups of water and a moist towel. Humidity is reading 40 now. Hopefully doing these two things will help.
  7. P

    Newbie Round 2

    Also, heres some pictures of the new light setup. Using 4 23w 5k cfl. They are about 4" away now. And heres a picture of my peppers and tomatoes. They are all turning yellow and two actually died! Is this due to the low humidity of 25%. I do also have a fan blowing on them as well. I put...
  8. P

    Newbie Round 2

    Should I mist it? Also just came home to this. The leaves are turning yellow!
  9. P

    Newbie Round 2

    My first round lasted all of two weeks lol. Used MG potting soil and burned my poor plants. Soil: This time around used Jiffy Natural Organic Seed starting Mix with no nutes. Water: Using walmart spring water with a ph of 7.0. Tested runoff and its measuring 6.8 so I should be good to go...
  10. P

    Ph is crazy!?

    Thanks, I decided to just get soil that met my need ph wise and found Jiffy seed starter and its ph when mixed 50/50 with 8.0 water is 7.0. So now I just have to amend it slightly to get it to the proper range. Hopefully my two original plants will come to life but Im not expecting much at...
  11. P

    Ph is crazy!?

    Well I just read that peat is usually 3-3.5 so this makes sense. I'll added some of the ph + to my water to gradually raise the ph. I should have checked the ph before starting the new seeds. Hopefully these two make it and I can clone in proper ph soil.
  12. P

    Ph is crazy!?

    I got my ph tester in today and calibrated with the liquid to 7.0. I tested my water and its 8.1. I then ran water through one of my pots and tested the runoff and it was 3.7! I checked the calibration and it was 7.0. Checked the runoff and it was 3.8. Is this normal? Im using a organic...
  13. P

    First grow going horribly wrong...

    @pisces 1. I know I know 2. Tap that is aired out. Will have a ph meter thursday 3. Same as above 4. Love the analogy! 5. Will do. 6. I planted them from seed with MG as well. Probably will transplant as well but they seem decent.
  14. P

    First grow going horribly wrong...

    thanks everyone! Just replanted will hope for the best. Also will plant two more to be on the safe side. Been reading for the last 4 days and have been learning a lot. I knew better but fucked it up anyway.
  15. P

    First grow going horribly wrong...

    Thanks, thats what I figured. Friggin ADD wins again!
  16. P

    First grow going horribly wrong...

    As the title states. Growing Hollister Kush. Plants are about 9 days old and first and second set of leaves are yellow and drooping and one leaf actually fell off. Heres what I have. Lights: 6) 23watt 5k cfl Soil: MG potting soil with .07, .01, .03. I was very impatient and should have...