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  1. tyson53

    Benefits of not topping?

    I grow outside and do not top..well I use to and seen the side branches developed more popcorn not topping I get fuller buds on the inner of the branches..strange but true...and also less bud rot as the plant is not congested and better air flow...
  2. tyson53

    Strawberry bannana

    who is selling the original straw banana..I grew the reserva provada when they had cannabis I ever grew..smelled like banana bread after a month cure..sure would like to get it back...I have tried a few crosses but not the same...
  3. tyson53

    Will damaged roots regrow?

    i grow in a Current Culture systen ..deep roots get so packed in the 13gal buckets that I have to trim them ..they grow back so fast...after I cut them I just add some grow more Bio zyme to the res...
  4. tyson53

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    we been getting the worms here in the North East...I been using BT every 5 days and been more worms...I tear thru the buds daily to check...I tried the soap thing last year..worked so so..does not last long..and also I would not spray Dawn or any dish soaps on budded plants..they...
  5. tyson53

    New England outdoors 2016

    every one has some nice plants this year...I have some monsters and some over 14 feet tall..but the other day i noticed some bud worms on some plant..i had to spray with BT..I have heard from other local that its a bad year for the worms...I see tons of the moths about also...I just put out a...
  6. tyson53

    Worm repellant advice

    I do not know where your located ..but I am in New England ..and we are now being infested with Gypsy moth catipillars bad...I had a few hit my plants already and almost defoliated them...I am going to spray Bt today
  7. tyson53

    Worm repellant advice

    if you treating for catapillars...use BT...any product that has BT in it....spinosad is ghood but makes buds taste like shit... this works good Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer with BT I think the standard measure is 1 oz to a gallon...for the stuff u have...spinosad is good before budding..but...
  8. tyson53

    New England outdoors 2016

    I would throw in the ground..that way you will see its full should be a nice producer...I myself was going to put it in a 25 gallon dirt bag but decided to let it go into the ground... and your welcome....
  9. tyson53

    Is Hillary Clinton Bluffing On Her Marijuana Policy Stance ?

    Politicans will say anything to get votes....she knows the USA is a stoner nation so she is trying to get the stoner vote...I would not vote for her ....she is very anti gun
  10. tyson53

    New England outdoors 2016

    MG..this is the first time doing this strain...I am hoping its good...will let you far I can say its a fast grower....seems like a strong is a early finisher I decided to give it a try...also seen some grow reviews an smoke reviews and all were good...
  11. tyson53

    Best way to get soil cheap?

    I have been farming in 100% composted horse is composted for 2 years..turned weekly..I buy it from a horse farm...its 15$ a yard... I grow in raised beds and in greenhouse...I add some bloodmeal...kelp meal..bone meal...alfalfa ...azomite ..and Epsoma bio start ..I...
  12. tyson53

    Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

    The Repubs are not afraid of Hillary...they are afraid of what she will her own words..the Constitution is outdated and should be ignored ..she will rip all our rights from underneath us as soon as she can...she is not for the people..more for herself and self intrests....look at whats...
  13. tyson53

    Brown film on roots

    Seems like you have slime algae ...I know AN uses carbs in some of thier formulas..check your to see...carbos will feed the slime.... I had the slime in a RDWC system and had to fully clean it..I used pool shock in the system with the plants remove...scrubbed every thing good...then I dipped...
  14. tyson53

    New England outdoors 2016

    I just checked the weather for NE..i am in mass myself..but looks like some nice weather coming in..its game on now....should see some nice growth coming on...I wait all year for still have a few to pop for early to put them in now....they will grow to tall an hit...
  15. tyson53

    New England outdoors 2016

    Dazzy...I have 2 big fans on each end..1 sucking in toward cieling to keep condensate down and one sucking i have 3 fans that rotate on the plants...I water first thing in the let soil dry out a bit on top...I also foliar in morn with silica and kelp to help prevent...
  16. tyson53

    24k Gold Journal (Kosher x Tangie)

    I have some 24K goin now outside...just put them in..very excited..i grew tangie and kosher last year and i killed it meaning i had trees...i had a orange pheno of the tangie...i had a tangerine pheno also....the orange one smelt like orange juice... So now I am excited to see what the 24K...
  17. tyson53

    Cultured Solutions

    I use it both is what I do....when I first filled system I ran it with Roots to ensure it was cleaned from any thing that was in my well water....after 5 days i begin to use Hydroguard and sub cultures M aan B also....before I do that i check water for Chlorine first from the UC...
  18. tyson53

    New England outdoors 2016

    I have put out 20 seedling in the garden so far in the last week...and doing great...I have them cover with the big Dunkin Donuts clear cups..they will sell them to you for 10 cents each...Cannabis is a very tuff plant..I had plants covered in snow before with a early Oct snow storm..I had them...
  19. tyson53

    Cultured Solutions

    My son runs sterile....I run Hydroguard and sub culture M and B ...going to experiment with Pond Zyme on next run of White Zombie
  20. tyson53

    Cultured Solutions

    My son runs 3 UC systems and I run he uses the CS nutes and plants look great...I myself have been running H&G Aqua flakes and plants look great he uses the CS roots and I use the Hydroguard and my roots are whiter...I was thinking of using the Heavy 16 Fire to see how it does...