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  1. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    So how do I know if I'm over defoliating ... Can defoliating cause hermaphroditism

    Defoliation will absolutely increase yield and vigor. Do it when the plants are getting bushy and crowding them selves, usually once in veg, then once when you kick em, then at 3 weeks and once again between 5-6 weeks. THis is assuming fast vigorous growth using co2. You will get less bugs and...
  2. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    I usually go 8-9 I think these were about 8.5
  3. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    Took these down about 3 weeks ago, health hasnt been great so been layin low. (auto immune flare up) Bouncing back now though. 3 week veg, 29 plants, 4x8, 2 BC blondes 680 watt Game Changers, tiered table, 5.16 pounds, 2.5 pounds per light, 2.5 pounds per 4x4, avg 81 grams a plant. This is...
  4. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    I´m about to buy one more light to my tent and I need some help $449 Canadian minus 10% with RIU discount code riu10 When comparing grow lights, look for the total PPF rating. The one you mentioned is 741 ppf, the one I linked is 818
  5. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    I´m about to buy one more light to my tent and I need some help
  6. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Switching to LED from HPS

    all good brother. no offence taken
  7. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Switching to LED from HPS

    I agree with the first part of your statement, but not the 2nd :)
  8. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Switching to LED from HPS

    I literally just removed it lol
  9. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Switching to LED from HPS

    Please check out my Instagram @bcblondesgrowlights or my youtube for example of what my lights do you are literally getting 45% more light per lamp.
  10. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Switching to LED from HPS

    I agree. I would guess hes getting a lot of larf with his current setup though and im assuming he doesn't care?
  11. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    5x5 tent setup

    BC Blondes 680 GCI is designed for a 5x5 and offers better PPF/$ than anything else on the market. $899 USD / $1215 CAD with free shipping when using the riu10 coupon code, same output as a gavita 1000 DE on boost setting, but only 680 watts. let me know if you have more questions either on...
  12. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Switching to LED from HPS

    6 x 1000 watt SE hps's put out about 7200 ppf(par) and burn 6360 watts 6 BC Blondes 680 GCI's put out 10410 ppf and burns 4080 watts. you would increase your light by 45% and cut your power bill and heat by 35-40% Using the coupon code riu10 you can get the lights for $899 USD / $1215 CAD...
  13. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights


  14. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    How to prune/defoliate/leaf pick on the outside row

    Here is that exact same plant at day 27. Pruned it again and took a few photos so you can see the process. At this stage its mostly just picking off leaves because the shape of the plant should already be molded to your table from the previous prunes. That doesn't mean that you wont have to cut...
  15. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    Day 27 of flower update Just pruned the 4x8 yet again. Fed at 1250/6.4 run off was 1540/6.2 lights at 75%, rh 70%ish temp 29c
  16. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    I should probably add the RH is at 75% and temp is at 29C and co2 is at 1500ppm. I recently switched from a co2 burner to bottled co2. I was totally against bottled co2 for along time, but now that ive switched ive seen the advantages. Combining leds with bottled co2 makes hitting VPD waaay...
  17. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    day 21 of 12/12 update Fed at 1250 ppm and 6.4 ph, run off was 1480 and 6.1ph. bang on where I want it. Almost time to prune again, plants are starting to crowd each other again. Totally green canopy, if you feed properly and check your run off you wont get 'led deficiencies'.
  18. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    Day 19 of 12/12 Looking green and perky Adjusted all panels to 50% until they are more mature, they are closer to the light and intensity needed to be adjusted.
  19. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    Day 17 update Feeding at 1250 (normally would be 1200 but looking a bit pale green so wanted to green em up a bit) and 6.4ph Run off: 1370ppm and 6.2ph Everything going well, canopy looking great.
  20. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights


    bro, china boards are a better value than BD.