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  1. B

    Has Any1 Ever seen this????

    the freebie g13 labs fem WW from attitutde i have in week 9 flowering has grown like that the whole time
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    What about Resin

    don't know about its health effects, but if I do have a few days or something before I can get another bag, I always think "how longs it been since i scraped that glass" not a great smoke and kind of just a burned out effect for me, but ill still do it from time to time
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    freshly harvested w/o cure..curing q's

    looks like the chinese guy isn't stupid enough to get caught by his mother
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    G-13 Tai Skunk Freebies

    i didn't try any of the super skunks they sent but my fem g-13 white widow has been beautiful to this point 6 weeks into flowering, surprising after a bunch of negativity i heard reading up on G-13 labs.
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    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    "the suspect was moving, to within 3 miles of the local elementary school, where it is believed he planned on distributing his massive crop, thank god this scum is off the streets" ;-) seen too much of this shit :cuss: good luck with your harvest, just read all 48 pages of your updates, very...
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    adding soil

    sorry if im just not interpreting right, but not really i shouldn't add soil, or just a small bit if i do? or not really you shouldn't have to lay off the nutes and its okay to add soil?
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    adding soil

    is it okay to add soil throughout the grow? this is my first grow and i didn't account for the major soil compaction ive had over the first 5 weeks. Would i have to lay off nutes to account for new ocean forest?
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    1000 watt HPS closet grow (Pics)

    very nice, had some real nice growth between weeks 2.5 and 3.5 :weed:
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    light burn question

    thank you all made sure to cut off all the burned part, we'll play the wait and see game now. :-P btw its NL at 18 days into flower
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    light burn question

    one of my four plants in week 3 of flowering made a beeline for my light bulb during the 4 days i had to go out of town, it severely outgrew the rest vertically and i didn't calculate for it. all the pistils on the development of the top cola are pretty grey and toasty looking. since this is...
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    going out of town

    gotta love this site. sit down to ask a question, and someone has started the same thread a couple hours earlier with good advice already there. i'm leaving for 5 days tomorrow, will basically be missing 4 full days with no chance to water. You think one of those 10-15 dollar pumps can give...
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    harvest time for my friend

    he's not going to know where a major part of his harvest runs off to while he's in the can? you sir are one huge moron, but i guess he is too for having someone like you come help him out.
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    [Growbox] Analyze my new setup

    yea you should be good during veg, but when you set back to 12/12 duct tape would be a good friend to you, lot of room for leaks around those fans. and flower at 3 ft? wouldn't you be looking at a 6 ft or more final product?
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    growing security

    perfectly said. glad you decided against it. nothing wrong with guns, just dont' think thats the right mindset to have with them
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    i now loan seeds as long as they are returned (or a similar make and model) within the 90 day grace window at the low low interest rate of 1.54 ohs dried/cured/bagged per seed. Pick up my card on your way out. thanks ;-)
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    PPP 61st day flower

    from those pics i wouldn't dare try to give you advice....just beautiful though, enjoy
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    seedlings/veg humidity

    yea i've got my fan in there blowing across a dishwashing tub of water, hope this will tide me over... thanks for the quick reply, put my mind at ease for ohh, day one
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    seedlings/veg humidity

    pain in the ass knowing i've read all this before and not being able to find it again... i believe i read humidity for seedling and vegging should be as high as you can get it or 40-50 at least im having serious issues getting mine to stay above 20. will my seeds root in this? or do i need...
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    attitude/wos/seed question

    *noober warning* i purchased one fem pick n mix AK seed along with the rest of my order from attitude, everything else had some sort of label stating seeds were fem, except this seed. Most likely fem and World of seeds just doesn't label? doesn't really matter just curious before they all...
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    fox farm nutes

    FF are 17 a piece at my hydro store, but they're cash only and willing to make deals on everything, think i usually pay around 45 for the 3