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  1. D

    First grow - Critical Kush + Incredible Bulk

    How often did u give them the veg bloom dirty nutes ? Was it once a week ? Every water ?
  2. D

    Veg+Boom dirty Nutrients in pro mix soil. Please lmk if anyone knows of the watering and feeding schedule

    As of right now I don’t think I’m going to mix any amendments with it
  3. D

    Veg+Boom dirty Nutrients in pro mix soil. Please lmk if anyone knows of the watering and feeding schedule

    I haven’t started yet getting everything together. This will be my 3rd grow so I’m still a rookie. Doing my home work now but struggling to find out the feeding schedule for veg bloom dirty. I can’t find it anywhere on the net. Do you feed once a week ? Every water ? Every other ? I just can’t...
  4. D

    First Grow. How they look?

    How did the grow go with veg bloom dirty go ?
  5. D

    Veg+Boom dirty Nutrients in pro mix soil. Please lmk if anyone knows of the watering and feeding schedule

    Hello fellow green thumbs. I’m looking for any advice with the nutrient veg+bloom dirty powder. Do you guys feed once a week ? Or every time you water do you feed ? I’m a bit confused on the feeding and watering schedule with these nutrients. Any advice is greatly appreciated.