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  1. L


    Also using bloombastic full dose.
  2. L


    Sorry! I’m using 3 mill per liter of connoisseurs bloom calmag once a week, I stopped using molasses was using 1 tablespoon per gallon. Ph at 6.5. Two day water declorinization. I’ve grown hydro for years this is a huge curve ball growing in soil outside in Texas. The miracle grow is perilite...
  3. L


    It’s just there didn’t use any of it! Was going to return to store but never got around to it unfortunately.
  4. L


    I have been flushing like crazy last 2 days, so ya they’ve gotten a lot of water.
  5. L


    Thank you!
  6. L


    Thank you for your reply! There’s no way to move out of direct sunlight midday but I’m watering like crazy! Any other advice please feel free to let me know I’m so stressed over these girls.
  7. L


    What is going on with my plants? I’m exhausted I’ve done and tried everything I can think of! We are having a heat wave and high humidity and it will be 100 degrees the next 3-4 days (I am growing outside). Any advice or help is appreciated I am so stressed. I’m thinking it might just be the...
  8. L


    What is going on with my plants? I’m exhausted I’ve done and tried everything I can think of! We are having a heat wave and high humidity and it will be 100 degrees the next 3-4 days (I am growing outside). Any advice or help is appreciated I am so stressed. I’m thinking it might just be the...
  9. L


    I’m also using 7 gallon pots
  10. L


    Also do you recommend spraying kelp to help the problem? I’m also using pro mix but not hp. I’m using the yellow and black bags and red and black bags.once again thank you for your time your advice is golden to me right now!
  11. L


    I’m also growing outdoors and it’s been 90’s to 100 degrees, with 50% humidity.
  12. L


    I was advised to feed every time is this correct or should I feed once a week and water once a week on both my auto and non auto’s? I also just buy Neem concentrate from Home Depot and mix with water by the gallon as it says to do on the jug, I will stop it now though And thank you for the...
  13. L


    I am using Cal Mag once a week. I am in flower now. I am using neem in the evenings when the sun is down. Do the plants look bad? Do you think they are fixable? Should I flush the plants?
  14. L


    Are these Auto’s Hermie’s? I grow outdoors and it’s been hot. They are feminized seeds.
  15. L


    Any advice or tips on these auto’s? I use Connoisseurs grow bloom A and B, Cal Mag, molasses, bloombastic, and Neem oil. Im not sure I have a deficiency or what’s going on.