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    Mids Outdoors..Good/Bad? maybe

    Absolutely true. Any book on growing weed will tell you that 90 % of a plant's potency is due to genetics. No amount of TLC is gonna make some crummy mexican the same as high quality skunk or purple.
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    Growing under Canopy vs growing out in the open

    It will drasticly reduce your yeild. I have seen plants yield half as much as other plants within 10 feet of them due to the bigger ones getting an extra hour or two of sunlight per day.
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    Herbal Overdoser's Guerilla Grow 2009

    Interesting idea but like some others said it's gonna flood when it rains. It doesn't matter if you put stones or a plastic bag or newspaper or whatever in the bottom, it's gonna flood. If you don't get rain it's no problem. If you could bury some drain tile (4 inch flexible black plastic pipe)...
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    How well do weed plants camouflage?

    I could see how this would work in the middle of the summer but by sept. that corn is done and the weed is gonna stick out like a sore thumb. Unless it's in the middle of 20 acres.
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    How well do weed plants camouflage?

    The worst part is that weed stays dark green longer than most plants while you're waiting for it to finish budding. It tends to stick out when everything else is turning brown.
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    Growing in a forest

    Not very good. Unless the tree's in your back yard I don't know how it would be worth the effort. Why would you want to do that?
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    Can I grow in this room?

    Probobly wouldn't be enough light even if the windows weren't tinted and it was facing south.
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    Top leaves turning starting to turn brown! Help!

    They really don't look that brown in the pics. You might be stressin out for nothing. Nutriburn - I never had a problem with over fertilizing and I added nutes every time I watered when I did it inside. Heat stress - maybe, if it was over about 95 degrees . How did you grow them, seeds or...
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    Flowering! Questions & pics

    Well if that makes you feel better go ahead and do it but I guarantee you that you got mites. That's a text book picture of a plant with spider mites. The white spots are where they're sucking the life out of your plant and the black spots are eggs.
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    Help! Leaves turning yellow and dying! PICS

    It's normal for some of the fan leaves to die off as the plant gets older. Might be because the plant's giving it's energy to the buds. The rest of the plants look pretty healthy.
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    Top leaves turning starting to turn brown! Help!

    Yah man, still kind of early to diagnose problems. I like to get them a little bigger but you can transplant now if you can keep an eye on them and if it's warm enough. Sunlight might help them out. Do you see any tiny spots on the tops or bottoms of the leaves?
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    if you had 1 1/2 sheets of plywood?

    Is the half sheet 4 x 4 or 2 x 8?
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    Yellowing young leaves... Need advice

    Most of the pics are of the little leaves on the bottom (they have a name but I forgot it). They are gonna die and fall off, it's normal. The little bit of brown on the other leaves could be anything at this stage. I would tend to think it's not a nute problem because they don't need much at...
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    Cloning Outdoors

    Not sure what yer gettin at but I don't think what you want to do is going to work. Clones need to be kept warm and moist until they root. You can cut them off an outside plant but you need to grow them in a controlled situation.
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    Flowering! Questions & pics

    You got spider mites dude. Almost impossible to eliminate. Spray it with plant soap or a homemade concoction to try and minimze the damage and take what you can get from her. Keep it away from any other plants you have.
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    facing north

    Enough for what? They'll grow, but they'd probobly grow better if they faced south.
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    Animals pulling up plants.

    Yah, I'll definately be putting up a fence or something. Just thought it was weird that something would come along pull them up for no apparent reason.
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    Animals pulling up plants.

    That's a good theory. I usually just use Miracle Grow but that might smell as good as fish to an animal.
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    whats the best way to make ur grow room humid

    Spray them with water, it's simple, easy, and like greenisgold said, the plants love it. I don't know why the size of the room would be an issue. I use a 2 gallon sprayer but if you have a smaller place use a spray bottle.
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    Animals pulling up plants.

    Here's a problem I've had several times in different places. I'll transplant some plants outside and when I check on them a day or 2 later they'll be pulled up. Not eaten just plucked out of the ground like some animal didn't want them there. I know it had to be an animal because of where some...