Of course I had to throw something out too. this is too good.
Is it ok to use the big bang on my clones cause I really want to maximize my yield. And I ve been looking for creationist grow guides everywhere and cant find 'em anywhere. You see I thought growing pot would be the ultimate in...
Hey everybody, Ive tried this and had success. My latest grow, my Califonia six under 1000w w/ soil and 48 hrs of dark transitioning into 12/12 and sow very little pause in the growth. My WW and quinzel (which are small but f'in awesome ) never skipped a beat. BUT, I also left my 1000w mh...
Here are the pictures Ive got they dont show the closeups but you can get an idea of where the plants are at in their cycle. I just would have figured days, lights, size they should be alittle bigger. HAHA on me. when I say that it makes me laugh, doesnt everyone wish they were alittle...
Many thanks everyone for all the replies. Ya Im really finding out there are so many different ways these plants can grow. I probably had all red hairs at 4 weeks but tmy plants really kept growing and now they have slowed some so no big deal just lookin for some feedback on that. It seems like...
Is it possible that my white widow went through and early phase of having all hairs turn red and is then going to go through another grow phase (not uncommon) where there are lots more white hairs coming in? Has anyone had any experience with this. Im at about week 7 and buds havent really...
Hey bro, if you want to get rid of them put some "no Pest strips" in your room and shange out every grow and youll never see them again. This is the only thing that will deal with them 100 %. Find at rite aid or something. Good luck. I hate those little bastards but since I started using the...
Nah bro. I had to go to wally world (wal-mart). I think they are now with the "hot shot" logo on the bag as well. These hang kind of like a odor freshener in the room. No smell. No bugs. Good luck.
Do you get them from a pet store?:joint:
There is simply only one complete way to deal with spider mites because they lay dormant and grow resistant to things. NO PEST STRIPS. YOU WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN. When your tired of all the different little ways to deal with them, after youve tried them all (or now) there is sanctuary ...
Hey guys Ive been buying dry ice intermitently from a local grocer at $1/lb Ive got a 6x8x8 room with 1000wroom temp at 70 F. exhaust fanvariable speed and only to maintain temp., so fairly random quantity of air movement. So at 12/12 13 lbs with quality styrofoam cooler opened at "sunrise"...
Yeah buddy yur good with the 6 what about air filtation? yur still probably good. Without queastion light heat is your biggest determanate....t5?1000w?5-floros? keep the heat 67-74 and yur golden yo. out
Hey bros, I have another add on for this thread. I have only used this once and passed but a solid friend said he used it 5 times and smoked the day before. The night before drink a gal of water with a small package of "pectin" the stuff that makes jello jell and then as much water as...
I think your right Loud. And I didnt mean to suggest that an 8"was recommended. Although I have used mine on full a couple of times when something happened it is primarily for end of season hot air and BIG filter. For the issues at hand I must yield your est. is more on target. Cheers...
My thoughts: If you dont vent your light it will get way to hot and you will use alot of energy to compensate. Without the vented hood I had to run my fans constantly and could never get my humidity up because of it. Even on a rainy day with 2 humidifiers I would only get 10% max and I even used...
So sorry outdoor master. The easy answer is "no" it would be fine, dont worry. But this young grasshopper would use ocean forest soil with perlite. and remember to breathe easy.:bigjoint:
Hey Mr Duke, I just threw these up on another post. Sounds like we have similar setups. Check em out. 4 ww and 2 quinkel (?) smaller, darker, sleak leaves, etc. Show some of your goods yo.