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  1. Noble Gas

    Molasses+Tiger Bloom=Smells like straight PUKE?

    Well it wouldn hurt to just dump it and start over. The largest volume I make is only 2 gallons (4L). You would only be using about 20ml of tiger bloom and 2 tsp of molasses. Make sure the pH is correct. I'm not a soil grower but I believe the target Ph for soil fertilizer solutions is 7.0?
  2. Noble Gas

    Molasses+Tiger Bloom=Smells like straight PUKE?

    Yes, microorganisms are everywhere... the molasses (glucose+ fructose) is fed upon by bacteria = exponential growth in numbers. All i'm saying is check the ph of your solution to make sure it is in the right range. The end products of the fermentation will acidify your solution. I diluted...
  3. Noble Gas

    Question about 400 watt hps? +rep

    Iam5toned is a very informative member on RIU for electrical questions. Ask him in his thread: I believe on one of the last pages there is a detailed diagram about connecting two bulbs to one...
  4. Noble Gas

    Molasses+Tiger Bloom=Smells like straight PUKE?

    If it has been exposed to warm temperatures you probably have colonies of bacteria growing in your nutrient solution. The smell and froth that you have on top are the end waste products from different metabolic pathways by and anarobic bacteria and or yeasts. If you test the pH of your solution...
  5. Noble Gas

    Cloner DWC or Aeroponic?

    I can fit up to 40 in a standard tote container. All you need to do is buy one with a braoder top to fit close to 120. Use 2 inch neoprene pucks.
  6. Noble Gas

    Cloner DWC or Aeroponic?

    ^^^ + Clonex solution = thing of beauty
  7. Noble Gas

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Iam5toned, thank you for your reply. I myself am not too sure if it is the ballast causing this high RF reading or if it really is something going on with the cable wires here. As for shielding the output cable I dont beleive that is possible for my current light setup. The output cable is...
  8. Noble Gas

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Iam5toned, I have a question that would be greatly appreciated if you could answer it. A few days ago I fired up my 1000w hps with a digital ballast. Then today the cable guy came knocking on the door saying that there has been service interruptions for my nieghbors due to usually high RF...
  9. Noble Gas

    Cannabutter ???'s

    I just made some and the process is quite simple. My ratio of "scuff" (where is that from by the way?) to butter is 1 oz of butter to 1 lb of butter. Try to find all natural butter with the highest fat content. You want this because the active chemicals we seek to extract are cannabinoids that...
  10. Noble Gas

    help please

    ^^^ if they had sprouted already you would call them seedLINGS. What you have going sounds right for them. Best of luck to yah
  11. Noble Gas

    400watt or 600 watt

    600W HPS has the best lumen to watt ratio. Don't waste your time and money with CFL's they do not compare to HID's. But if your ventilation is lacking you will have problems controlling heat.
  12. Noble Gas

    help please

    I germinate seeds in a wet folded paper towel placed in a plastic bag. I also leave them in the dark since seeds are naturally underneath the soil. If they are good seeds they should sprout in a couple days. You can turn off the light and save some power. Moisture + Darnkess + Warmth +...
  13. Noble Gas

    Molasses help.

    You can find it at the grocery store in the baking section. Most people say use blackstrap molasses but I think most kinds will work for you. Grandmothers molasses is only 3 dollars for a jar. Use it during flowering 1 tsp per gallon. Good stuff
  14. Noble Gas

    What do you think??? +rep

    If you have a digi cam with a macro setting, you dont even need a mircroscope. You can use your camera in combination with a magnifying glass you can buy at a drug store for 3 dollars. Just hold the magnifying glass in front of the camera on macro mode. Since it appears you have regular...
  15. Noble Gas

    Bitch ass catapillars

    If you have found traces of them and actual worms themselves, I would suggest spending time everyday inspecting your plants and removing the worms, poop, and damaged buds until harvest. So far I've pulled about 30 worms from my plants and they caused a considerable amount of damage. But two...
  16. Noble Gas

    NFT vs. Dripper Systems

    I started out with ebb and flow and it was pretty easy. I was able to yield a few O's with a 400w hps. I havent had any experience with drip system but people on here say the hoses eventually clog. If anything don't buy one online those are a rip off. You can build your own at a fraction of...
  17. Noble Gas

    How to end operation with partner?

    Just take what is yours from the crop and walk away. He doesnt need to know anything about what your plans are. Just let the equipment go and that will cut any ties you have with him. You arent feeling that vibe from him for nothing. Good luck
  18. Noble Gas

    Turning purple yet?

    Oreo, yeah my plants are pretty beefy too. They were just loving it when the santa ana's rolled through. Green cross, thanks for the info. Well I guess I will go ahead and just post some pics of the girls. These were both grown with miracle grow potting soil. It was perfect for veg, very...
  19. Noble Gas

    mystery diagnosis... who is the HOUSE on roll it up.. pics included to help

    So how do they look now? I know how you feel bro, they are like children. But if you've grown enough plants and played around with clones you are bound to lose one or two for whatever reasons. After going through your same situation I changed it up to growing many small plants instead of...
  20. Noble Gas

    Turning purple yet?

    Thanks for the input guys. The plants are growing great. They are 5 feet tall and the buds keep getting larger every day. I just wish it would start turning purple already... I am really wondering now about how the purple pigments appear on the buds. It is interesting to consider wether...