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    Fertilizing plants and rain

    is it in the ground or in a pot? if its in the ground go ahead and feed it. I feed my plants whenever really if there in the ground because it will take what it needs and the rest will just get absorbed elsewhere.
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    will shade from a tree cause me to flower?

    not even sure on this one.... lol my guess would be no because the daylight itself is pretty bright, even if it isn't direct sunlight. But you should find a spot that offers the plant a lot of light. If its only getting light till about 12-1 pm then your yields will suffer
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    LST, Topping, or Natural?

    Glad to help, good luck with your grow
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    LST, Topping, or Natural?

    Last year i topped one plant and then left one alone. And now that i come to think of it the one i didnt top actually had more bud. But the one that i did top had some real nice tight buds. The plant i didnt top was outside right from day one the other one i started inside and then moved it...
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    Need good advice ASAP

    you don't need to water every day. Especially when they are outside. Every couple days is fine, or when they are dry. Outdoors you cant really overwater when they are in the ground, because unlike a pot the water can go elsewhere. just dont be pouring tons of water on them lol. As far as...
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    Germinated seeds not sprouting?

    just give it another day or so. you planted them pretty deep so they need to settle in and start pushing through the dirt. make sure your temps are somewhere around 80, its just a root still so the warmer temps are better for it
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    First time grow - yellowish leaves near top and female confirmation please

    in my experience yellowing leaves during flower is quite normal. and ya that looks pretty female to me haha, there seems to be a lot of little white pistils. And id say another 5-6 weeks before finishing. They take around 8-9 weeks to flower.
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    how big is it? how many nodes? if its big enough then there shouldn't be a problem.
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    Help quick what does this mean

    you can usually tell the sex of a plant after 6 weeks and that is if it is kept in veg for 6 weeks without triggering. I've never only veged for 2 weeks and then flowered. But my guess would be if they have been in the flower cycle for almost 2 weeks now they should be showing there sex any day.
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    Help quick what does this mean

    there isn't any real problem there. Are all the plants the same strain? eventually its all going to smell like pot anyways. You'll be able to tell the sex once you trigger them to flower, or they become mature enough and show it on its own. Im pretty sure that takes somewhere around 6 weeks or...
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    First outdoor grow

    tying down a plant will make it sort of bushy yes. But i find the best way to make a bushy plant is to just continue topping it. If you top it 4 times allowing a couple weeks of recovery in between you will end up with a short bushy plant that realistically has 32 tops and then whatever other...
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    First outdoor grow

    1-2 feet in between will be fine, how do you want to grow them? bushes or tall? if your doing bushes you might want a bit more space.
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    First outdoor grow

    Put them directly into the ground, they wont need to be watered as much and the roots will be able to grow more. You'll end up with a bigger plant with less maintenance in the ground. And considering yours don't have to be moved its probably your best bet.
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    Stunting Growth?

    why not just keep those 2 in normal veg? a longer veg wont do any harm to your plant, it will just make a bigger plant. and once you put them all into flower the other one will more than likely catch up anyways. But if your concerned about space and what not there are different chemicals you can...
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    How do you know when its time to change your soil?

    you dont have to change the soil at any point... your just not suppose to use old soil that has all the roots left in it from the previous grow. You transplant if thats what you mean... from a small pot to a larger one, and at that point you will add more soil to cover the old root ball.
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    Indica or Sativa??? +rep

    id say its more sativa dominant as well
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    To Top Or Not To Top...That is the Question

    i say top for 2 cola, a 90% sativa is going to grow very tall, if you cut it for 2 you'll get less height and more light penetrating lower throughout the plant to help for some more buds. thats my opinion
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    Toronto, Ontario Flowering

    i received a very light frost not last night but the night before. Plants were fine and they are really starting to kick in with some heavy flowering. I'm aiming for end of September first week of October. But if they dont finish in time, hopefully i can toss them into a greenhouse for a week or so.
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    Toronto, Ontario Flowering

    Your plant will be fine. The nights are only going down to 7-9 right now. The plant will be able to handle a couple light frosts. But if it is in a pot try to bury it in the ground to keep the roots warmer. It will have till the end of September easily so thats another 10 days and then some if...
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    Can you leave you plants out over winter?

    No, they can survive a few light frosts.... but once it starts to get too cold, and heavy frosts they will die.