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  1. D

    White Spots On Leaves, PLEASE HELP!!

    ive been batteling mites for the past ...i dunoo...10 years. Neem oil is ok as a treatment alone, but when you stop using it in flowering you will run into problems. Any soap works to kill the adults. There are insecticidal soaps that contain only potassium salts and are barely, if at all...
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    2010 Indoor/Outdoor Grow

    ive never heard of yellowing from temps. if the yellowing is starting at the lowest leaves means you need more nitrogen, probably time to give a fert at 1/4 str
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    How to get Autoflowering?

    :) ya got me. I guess the next best thing would be an identical pheno from the mother seed stock. i guess they use a new ruderalis plant each time with the same indica mother. am i right?
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    How to get Autoflowering?

    Good to know :)
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    What are the best lights for indoors in a soiless mix

    I wasnt saying that i didnt get good results with a MH. They perform wonderfully. I Just get more growth per watt from HPS, even in veg. The reason for this is HPS puts out more use able light to the plant then MH / Watt you cant dispute this "claim"...fact until you have tried using both Your...
  6. D

    anyone heard of CannabisMarijuana?

    i will reiterate. The owner of this site is being extradited to the U.S. for the activities of this website. All of his seeds and merchandise were confiscated YEARS ago. He does not operate his own website anymore. His wife came out saying that she thought that someone, or the DEA has taken...
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    2010 Indoor/Outdoor Grow

    alright. well. a popper, typically is in a straight glass or metal tube, which you melt into a plastic bottle , and bend it so it has a nicer shape. some people will melt a shotty(carb), but i think this takes away from the purpose of a popper. you roll up a little ball of grinded weed, and...
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    How to get Autoflowering?

    an F2 cross is likely to produce unstable results. Some will be autoflowering some will not. If you continue to breed the autoflowering ones, chossing only the autoflowing individuals, you could produce a true breeding strain after atleast 7 generations, only problem here is your plant probably...
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    What are the best lights for indoors in a soiless mix

    pro mix is what i use. straight out of the bag. Amazing results. Its the industry standard in commercial greenhouses. So you know its going to be good. i used to mix in another 10% perlite, 10 % worm casting and some dolomite lime. All i noticed was that i needed to water more(more perlite)...
  10. D

    Are side lights or a light rail (mover) necessary??

    understandable, how a light mover might increase your yield. but if your already running 80 watts per square foot like you should be(cmon guys atleast 60 wtaas per sq foot) Plain and simple these lights do produce alot of heat, but air conditioning also produces alot of cold. Easiest way to up...
  11. D

    anyone heard of CannabisMarijuana?

    This looks exactcly like Marc Emerys old site, and if you don't know who he is and what happened you might be interested in looking it up. Apparently his wife published something saying that someone, or the DEA had tked over the site and was keeping the $$ and making a list of addresses.
  12. D

    Current experiment - 48 hour lighting cycles

    as far as i know, budding depends only on the 12 hour dark period. does this mean the plant will be done after a certain number of dark periods regardless of the light recieved in between said dark cycles. So im thinking what might be more interesting than just going a 24/24 grow would be to...
  13. D

    What are the best lights for indoors in a soiless mix

    I strongly believe against using Metal Halides. I once vegged in a room with a metal halide and an hps(400ws) and the plants grew taller AND tighter closer to the HPS, the same can be noted for budding in room with mixed lighting. if you bring up UVB, MHs emit little to no detectable UVB...
  14. D

    A grow journal, nuff said.

    yo...i didnt read this whole thing, but i got to the point where someone asked if they should buy a CO2 setup and were told no because it was a small setup. Although it may take longer to recover the initial setup cost of CO2 in a smaller setup, the cost to run such a setup, needing to enrich...
  15. D

    Are side lights or a light rail (mover) necessary??

    you are running 50 watts of hps per sq foot. IMO light movers are useless, if you have room for one, then you have room for another light. If you could deal with the heat, another 400 watt HPS would put you upto 83 watts per square foot, which is nearing maximal. But if your just looking to...
  16. D

    New grow room, ventilation and reflector questions.

    I would make it so the air cooled reflectors are drawing cool air from another room and exhaunsting it to another room, leaving the air in you grow op undisturbed. In addition to the air coold reflector, i would run another fan of similar size, hooked up to a thermostat switch, to exhaust the...
  17. D

    1000W Seedsman Afghani #1 Grow Tent

    yeah you should ALWAYS have 10% runoff when you water. And every 2 or 3 weeks its good to flush HARD with a light nute soultion. (if u have 14 4 gallon pots then you will need 112 gallons of water to properly flush them all) You always need to ph you water. keeping it at 6.5 is a good start, but...
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    UK Monster Grow - Swiss Cheese

    wow... this thread took a really depressing turn eh
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    Seedsman Northern Lights - WTF?

    Hopefully your right. i got 10 out of 10 germination after 30 hours, so atleast the Seedsman NL are viable seeds. Whether or not they actually live up to the description time will only tell
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    Seedsman Northern Lights - WTF?

    i just got a pack of the seedsman NL. On the website it said it was an afghani/haze clone at the start but they only had the clone so they used a skunkxhaze to produce seeds off of it. the seed pack however says >80% indica and Afghani/Skunk#1/Haze claims 6-7 week flower period. ill update in...