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  1. V

    250W HPS, 2 Unknown Strains

    keep the light close and they shouldnt stretch really im using a 150watt hps and mine didnt really stretch a lot
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    The official fox farms® thread

    ok thanks man cuz i dont really want some cops or dea or someone coming to my door bout it no what i mean
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    The official fox farms® thread

    ya i hear a lot of good things about them but im just kinda unsure about ordering seeds
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    The official fox farms® thread

    i wanna order some seeds but not really sure bout it kinda eh bout it and maybe after this ill upgrade my light maybe add another 150watt
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    The official fox farms® thread

    ya sounds like a nice setup if i had $50 more when i got my 150watt hps i could of got a a 400watt cool tube hps/mh but if im having heat problems with this 150watt i cant think of what that would be
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    The official fox farms® thread

    ya i no man i came from not having a grow box and using cfls to having a grow tent and a hps
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    The official fox farms® thread

    ya its not for the bulb i only have to pc fans to pull heat out and its not working
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    The official fox farms® thread

    i got 2 girls my other 2 havent showed there sex i got my 150watt hps setup waiting on my inline fan to come in well heres some pics
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    The official fox farms® thread

    here my grow im using ffof and happy frog soil grow big and big bloom nutes 9 cfls i have a 150watt hps but no bulb :( and im at week 5 of veg
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    advanced nutrients and fox farm

    its not that expensive i found it cheaper then tiger bloom i just wanna get something that will make my buds sweeter and bigger
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    advanced nutrients and fox farm

    ok well thanks
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    advanced nutrients and fox farm

    ya i dont wanna use tiger bloom one of my friends tryed something out with using tiger bloom on one of his plants and one with out and the one with out the taste was much better and smoother and i asked the guy at my hydro shop and he said he thinks his buds taste better with out tiger bloom
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    advanced nutrients and fox farm

    thats what i wanna no if not what is something good i can use
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    advanced nutrients and fox farm

    anyone plz
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    advanced nutrients and fox farm

    im looking to get bud candy by advanced nutrients im using for farm grow big and big bloom i dont wanna use tiger bloom and im trying to find something to use in flower if someone could help me this +repp btw its a soil grow
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    thanks man got my tent to my light and tent i spent 165
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    well i went with the 150w got it for 56 with free shipping should have it in about a week
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    i was biding on ebay for a 400watt cooltube hid with hps and mh light buld and everything for it the bid was only 59 but i lost by $5 cuz i had to let my dog in and im only growing for my self if i got 2oz i could make it last till next harvest if i got a oz i would try and make it last and i...
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    ebay man lol and im not try to yield a lot iv seen some of ppls post on here and other forums that use 150w and they do good and im using ff nutes and soil butt all in all i think i should be good with a 150watt and 8 cfls
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    i think ill get more then a half oz with a 150w with my cfls iv gotten more then half oz and im only using 4 and what ever light i do get i will be adding cfls that i already have and i might scrog to for more tops