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  1. Juan Valdez

    greenhouse the church

    not a big yeilder, only 3-4 oz's per plant some even less. but it is a very nice and sturdy outdoor plant. too many pheno's to comment on the somke, outta 5 beans ive seen 5 completly different pheno's. 1 was super super frosty, 1 was almost 100% sativa n took forever didnt really fully finish...
  2. Juan Valdez

    Does anyone know what this is? Please help... nothings stopping it

    haha, just as i suspected. those soil prode testers blow! i remember when i first got one like 10 yrs ago i was like 15 or 16, i thought all my prayers were answered. took me about an hour to find out the things about as good as stickin your finger in the dirt and takin a wild guess. now that...
  3. Juan Valdez

    Does anyone know what this is? Please help... nothings stopping it

    what did you use to test your ph? hope it's not one of those soil probe testers, those things are worthless they always read about 6.5-7 ph no matter what you put it in! if your ph truely is 6.8 my next guess would be that the tea you are feeding it isnt strong enough or well balanced enough...
  4. Juan Valdez

    Plants are yellowing and leaves falling off...NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    greenmeter, you might have missed my post? I am 100% sure that what you are experiencing is a fungal and/or bacterial infection! if you bring them inside and put them with other plants the disease will spread to the other plants and stunt their growth if not kill them! trust me on this one, I've...
  5. Juan Valdez

    Plants are yellowing and leaves falling off...NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    thats bacterial leaf spot disease or septoria or blight! either way you need to control it with a fugicide like liquid copper, sulpher, serenade etc its been a bigg problem the last few years for most of the US and southern canada! i had it the past two years and again this year, the disease...
  6. Juan Valdez

    nutrient burn? i have pictures! please someone help me

    are you adjusting the ph off your nutrient solution? tiger bloom extremely lowers ph, adding it everyother watering/day like you said you were doing could have made the soil too acidic for the plant to live in? thats my first thought.
  7. Juan Valdez

    how to prevent bugs from eating plants

    neem oil or any kind of insecticide organic or otherwise. as for the white mold you will need a fungicide for that... a lil common sense and initiative go a long way buddy!
  8. Juan Valdez


    first pic looks like some type of insect damage ie.spider mite, thrip etc... second pic looks like a combination of the inect damage and calcium deficiency. third pic those big brown spots look like bacterial leaf spot, or what dinosaur bone suggested... "septoria" disease. here's what i would...
  9. Juan Valdez

    Will ak48 strain grow outdoors?

    i have one outside that was a leftover clone from an indoor grow that got too crowded. i put it out around the end of june maybe even later and it loves being outside so far. it's exploded with new growth 3-4' tall already and bushy. very firm hardy stems and overall plant structure, it's being...
  10. Juan Valdez


    ahh pics didnt work, if you search: (geurillas with leaf spot experience) you should be able to find the whole thread with pics.
  11. Juan Valdez


    thats leaf spot disease, you need to start treating with a fungicide immediately! below is copy and pasted from another site by another user, it is very informative and helpful. I had this completely destroy 3 plants last year and had absolutely no idea what was going on or what to do about...
  12. Juan Valdez

    Females. EAST coast

    I'd hit her with some veg nutes, about 1/2 - 3/4 strength depending on what type of soil your using and any amendments added? if it's in straight soiless mix with nothing added go full strength! another thing it could be is, some sort of boring insect (european corn worm) that has bored into...
  13. Juan Valdez

    CT scan later this week for a lump on my chest, pretty terrified right now.

    this is crazy! first off im on RIU almost everyday, 2-3 days ago i noticed a lump in the middle of my ribcage its about the size of a quarter, pretty hard, doesnt move, and the thing thats bugging me out is that its seems internal, you cant see it unless i suck in my stomach and lean back...
  14. Juan Valdez

    my Outdoor Norcal guerilla grow 2010

    what up GC. just readin through you thread and noticed your rocklock and sharksbreath up and died on ya. same shit happened to me this past winter indoors i had them with a bunch of other strains under optimum conditions they were doin great for about 2 weeks then flat out died? wonder whats up...
  15. Juan Valdez

    ground soil? new to outdoor

    ya you can do it that way if the native soil is decent. i would at the very least till up a 2 - 3 ft circle about a foot down, take all the roots and rocks and shit out, then plant it. couldnt hurt to spread some kind of all-purpose time release fertilizer like, miracle grow, osmocote, shultz...
  16. Juan Valdez

    Outdoor statins ?

    I'll second that!
  17. Juan Valdez

    Bucket or hole in the ground

    i googled "tree rings" or tree watering rings, sumthin like that until i got a hit. there 25 bucks a pop, you fill them up with 5 gallons of water and they slowly drip water into the ground around the base of the plant. you can put nutrient water in them too wich is a huge benefit, only...
  18. Juan Valdez

    Bucket or hole in the ground

    I wouldnt put jugs or anything like that out there, it's just more stuff for hikers/helicopters ect to see and then they know someones probably growing around there. plus im pretty sure the amount of rain collected in the bucket will evaporate in equal time, meaning it will rain- evaporate, rain...
  19. Juan Valdez

    Bucket or hole in the ground

    it depends on the native soil, if it's really wet or really dry then you should use a bucket. take a handfull of dirt from a couple inches down and squeezez it, if water is dripping out its too wet, and if it crumbles and turns to dust when you open your hand its too dry. google feild capacity...
  20. Juan Valdez

    B.C. OutDoor Clone Guerrilla 2010

    hey just checked out the vid of your spot. looks good now but once those trees develop all there leaves it'll probably block out alot/most of the sun light, just some food for thought, it's happened to me before. you want to stand facing south then look east to west 180 degrees (get compass)...