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  1. B

    Super Lemon Haze

    Dr. Chronic has them, yield is stated as 700g/sqm--however, as most people know about greenhouse that number is probably inflated--I'd expect 450-600g/sqm in ideal situations under 600w hps.
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    CH9 Jack..anyone grown this

    I've got 6 growing right now--and I have 3 phenos and one mutant/possible indica pheno (it split to two main branches after the first true leaves, and consequently is half the height of the others on average. But, it's two main colas are the fattest by far and display the indica "club" type of...
  3. B

    Are These Trichromes?? **PICS**

    lol :roll:, I'm sure he wasn't talking about the actual hairs (notice he said 'little ones' starting to form). Yes, the little bits, not the hairs, are trichomes. They are visible both on the fan leaves and on the calyxes.
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    vegging time

    Well, at the time I stated this (a year ago) I was growing with limited space--and maxed around 21-24inches tall with 3 or 4 plants in a 2x3ft area 4 feet tall. So 3-4 plants yielding between 1 and 2oz at 2ft tall was good enough for me and my girl. If you want more, and you have the space to...
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    Metal haulides vs cfl

    If all you can do is CFLs, just make sure they're close and you'll yield decently...if you can go with MH/HPS please do, your plants and you will thank yourself later (more vigor, more yield...just better).
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    First Grow / Hows it Look!!! (PICS)

    They're looking good for a first grow, but as they said above get the lights within 2in of the plant and get the fan lower, otherwise good job. If you can get an HPS for the next grow, I highly recommend it (did CFLs on my first, HPS on my second..big difference in density/vigor).
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    I had 5 for 5 germination and ordered right after GH sent out the recall announcement. I've got 4 plants, 1 I gave to a friend (the runt). I got mine from the Doctor of course ;).
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    I've got 4 Churches (week 6) right now, and have not encountered any type of burning/turning up of the leaves. How often are you feeding with nutrients? How many waterings in between? Did you ramp up your doses (starting from 1/4 workinup to a full dose)? Going to quickly to a full strength...
  9. B

    I'm in the US, Who Should I Order Seeds From?

    Doctor chronic has never steered me wrong and I always get free seeds. (last time ordered got 10 seeds free), and I get them in 7 to 10 days (last time was a 7 days exactly).
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    No, the cops could not trace the IPs for everyone on this site as it is all speculative information, plus they'd have to get a subpoena and RIU wouldn't roll on us ;).
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    Hey, how's it taste now that it's cured a little (does it still have the citrus taste?)? The bud looks nice :).
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    Day 22, can I flower, and YIELD how much? Pics Incld

    5 weeks, unless it is a really fast flowering strain, will give you premature buds with a short-lasting high. Not really worth the effort unless you can get at least 6.5-7weeks minimum.
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    Hey, can you give us some pics of the dried bud (pre and post cure, I love bud shots :D).
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    What's the wet weight? (divide by 4 to get a rough estimate of the total).
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    Commercially, I'd go with a minimum of 9 weeks (63 days) for the both the Church and Big Bang. Just make sure that at least half of the hairs are orange/red on the top cola before chopping. This will make for a decent smoke which will make your product very appealing (since you're going...
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    Looks like they still a bit more than a week to go, I'd say cut no sooner than day 63 (65-66 might be better, the red hair count is pretty low still). Make sure the red hairs have made their way to the top of the main cola before you cut it down (2/3-3/4 red hair, or if you of a microscope look...
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    Hey, you still there? I'm very interested in this grow.
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    pics? Hope you didn't forget ;).
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    Can you take a picture with the plant outside of the grow room? It looks like it could be a severe nutrient burn and maybe a magnesium deficiency (a flush and if necessary treat with epsom salt for mg; 1/3tsp/gal)
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    people are talking about RON PAUL

    Giuliani dropped out? :hump:He was 3 points out of 3rd in a state that is 68% in favor of Bush and how he's doing..I'd say he did just fine. Besides, Iowa rarely picks the "winner"..this is a state that Pat Robertson took 2nd in.