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  1. M

    Outside started to Reveg.. time to harvest whats there

    Hey all I started a post a couple months ago in the outdoor growing section. I was told i adopted 3 skunk clones. They have been outside in Central FL since about march 23 or so. What would be the best way to dry and cure this medicine? I have read people saying hang upside down...
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    5 gallon bucket outdoor Guerilla grow

    looks good man just watchout for those Blue berrys... they tend to like the slightly acidic soil. good call on the bucket! I believe walmart sells straight black ones for like 3 bucks
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    fed today with the foxfarms. Im going to start a grow journal soon and hope to see you all following it!!!!! Will post new pics next couple of days...
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    Is there anyway to increase the size of your plant

    then just sit back make a journal and be prepard to log the growth!
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Should i just skip the grow big since there is flowering locations and just feed it the flowering nutes big bloom and tiger bloom?
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    Is there anyway to increase the size of your plant

    What everyone else said is great advice... Although no one mentioned GOOD soil. I recently put three clones in quart pots in Fox Farm ocean Forest with just water no nutes they have grown great. Starting with the advance nutes tomm..
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    Early Outdoor Flowering? or not??

    im going through the same thing here in Florida... Everyone seems to tell me to just let it ride out let it put itself back into veg.... no real idea what to do about the buds though. seems to look healthy to me.. heres a link to my grow...
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    anyone starting yet in florida?

    Here is my link to my grow
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    anyone starting yet in florida?

    Yeah man i have had 3 seedlings in the solo cups for about 3 weeks and the clones out for one.... Got the greenhouse on the way!Anyone game for starting a florida outdoor grow thread
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    thanks again for your reply Rockstar.... I am going to start feeding the Big Bloom and Grow Big tomm at half strengh... I am going to keepm them in those pots for just a little bit more then i will upgrade to a 3 gallon... Is this the right forum for a grow journal or do most outdoor guys...
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    I have also done some reading and saw that since right now they are flowering.. (the spot they will be in will be probley getting about 10-12 hours of DIRECT sunlight.) that if they did get kicked into veg it would cause added stress and harm the plants? At worst i could get some more clones...
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Thanks for your quick reply Rockstar... Im trying to stick with the Fox Farm nutes cause my local dealer has it and well i already purchased would something like the one part grow bloom system work beter? I will be going to my local shop tomm and ordering about 70 liter pots for my...
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    So what do you giys reccpmend foor nutes
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    So you let them just rideout the flowering.. How long did you let them sit out for?
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    What would you reccomend for outdoor growing nutes? If i stick with FF what feeding schedule should i go off of?
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Updated with pics
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    Outdoor Grow Questions Attached is the Foxfarms feeding schedule for Soil. What would you reccomend i start at and do i follow it exactly since it is outdoors. What size pots should i transplant them into. i dont want HUGE plants but 4 feet or so would be more then...
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    Outdoor Grow Questions

    Hello All!!!! A Friend of mine donated 3 approx 4 week old Mystery Clones to me about a week ago. Since then i have put them in Fox Farms soil in 4 inch pots... I have been feeding them with just distilled water as i heard the PH is just about right for them... I have read that people say...
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    Bagseed Clone Aerogarden Cabnet Grow!!

    righton sicc. thanks for thereply. when/if is it good to do that. heard even just reg water misting can help. also. I will be adding 6 23 watt 6500k cfls in the cabnet and will replace them with the soft white when we go 12/12. I will post some pics tomm of the progress(hate having to...
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    Bagseed Clone Aerogarden Cabnet Grow!!

    thanks all for the advice. does anyone know if foiler feeding them could hurt?my friend with the clones mentioned using tiger bloom one teaspoon per gal ratio in a spray bottle.