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  1. K

    plants dying, leaves turning brown

    Cool thanks man. Probably just let them try and recover then. I still have some seed so may plant a few more just in case but worried Ill run out of space. I could always set some free in the wild if that happens I suppose, I feel bad for the plants tho. Want them to be happy and comfortable...
  2. K

    plants dying, leaves turning brown

    BTW would any one add nutes to canna soil after 12-14 days? The pots hold maybe a liter, they quite small. Should I transplant maybe? Or sort out the problem first? I'm in two minds. one is to try everything to fix them two is to let nature take its course. This is second grow lost first to...
  3. K

    plants dying, leaves turning brown

    Yeah that what I've done, I'm thinking its getting worse before it gets better.? if it helps The affliction started as white tips on the leaf, then spread turning brown with an almost leathery feel, then turned crispy today. I only got pH tester yesterday and was shocked that tap was so high...
  4. K

    plants dying, leaves turning brown

    SOIL: How long has this problem been going on? last few days. What STRAIN are you growing? chronic and automatic critical. What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) seed What is the age of your plants? 12 days How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in...
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    Enough for a search warrant?

    In the UK, if arrested the police can issue a search warrant (ie not signed by judge/magistrate) to investigate the crime you are charged with. theoretically if arrested on suspicion of a drug related offence they can search your property but must have resonable cause to do so...
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    running when getting pulled over?

    The prosecution needs evidence.The smell would give the police reasonable cause to search for evidence.. however if they don't find anything and you are sober then your cool. also the burden of proof is on the prosecution, ie they would have to prove that your story was false (that you were...
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    Butane & Seeds

    seeds would have frozen, dont know if this would kill them tho. only one way to find out. plant one :)
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    The Federal Reserve

    the way i see it, is that Americas currency is backed by petrol dollars. control of the worlds oil. Not necessary in all cases physical control, but by control of the trade. All OPEC nations sell oil in dollars. all countries need dollars to purchase oil. most these dollars end back up in...
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    Legal question.

    The higher the court, the higher the sentencing powers.
  10. K

    G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk Grow !!!!

    Thanks for the reply bb and doc d. i think your right about this strain more suited to outdoors or mabey a scog (i wish id done that) ,its growen a lot more since i last posted and by the looks of it has another 2 month to said above this plant can tolerate a lot of abuse i...
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    G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk Grow !!!!

    hey i got seeds from a baggy that i was told was thai ss. ive got one in flower that has only just started to show the first signs of sex (its a girl) after 4 weeks. it has also trebled in hight and still growing .i toped /trained the fuck out of it to be honest.anyway my question is to any one...
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    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    i got a 400w with built in ballst for £70 from ebay here some pics of it put to good use (about 1st week of flowering/ghs big bang)
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    First Grow, Big Bang Femz from seed.

    im also on my first grow , got 4 big bang an a small clone in first week of flowering