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  1. Umerik

    Club 600

    DST thanks bro! i will get some pics up to show, hopefully later this evening. this is my second run with this system and first time with these strains, so i'm pumped! ur wife is a copywriter, that's funny, i'm an art director, recently felt the clutch of the economy. seems like advertising...
  2. Umerik

    2 weeks from harvest in aero6 flush or not flush?

    agree with bran 3days to a week tops. my last run i flushed for a week. grew white widow and used botanicare, aero18. luv aero btw!
  3. Umerik

    Club 600

    nice shoes purple! looks like tattoo flash. etnies are super comfy. i always thought it was due to that plush tongue they use. anyway. i'm currently running 600w aeroflo 18 with strawberry haze, hash plant and some nirvana indoor mix i had layin about. just flipped to flower a few days ago. last...
  4. Umerik

    second what redivider says. i was laid off too, and did the thing. think i got 2 legit companies responding to my resume. i think one was a customer service job, nothing specific, but enough info for me to say no. the other was a scam and was upset that i would get such thing from...
  5. Umerik

    PPM Range

    that seems kinda high, but i'm only used to seeing 130 outta my tap. but if saw mid to upper 500s, i would ask myself...would i drink this? if answer yes, then rock and roll and keep doing what you're doing. if answer no, then you might wanna filter that water somehow. RO, Brita, i think if you...
  6. Umerik

    my tape water ec is too high

    no worries. just read the thread bout "PPM Range" just posted, haha. "My PPM of just the water is 522-529" YIKES!! good luck :)
  7. Umerik

    Aero/nft ????? Res question

    agree with Skinny. i would suggest getting an interval timer for your pump. mine runs 5min off 1min on and my rez never goes over 70, no chiller. but thinking of getting the 1/10hp chiller for the the summer months. my last grow i just had some duct tubing blowing in the hole of the rez to keep...
  8. Umerik


    DO NOT PUT A PLASTIC BAG OVER UR PUMP!!! there are filters made specifically to fit over the pump, any hydro store should/will have it, if not order one. i still think what you are lookin for is an aero/nft type system that has seperate rez for each stage of flowering. that way you flush one...
  9. Umerik

    my tape water ec is too high

    tape water = tap water????? invest in an RO system. but 70 ppm outta tap seems dandy to me. i've read peoples post on here with tap water ppms in the 300s and more. my tap here runs 130, no complaints from my plants.
  10. Umerik


    if your roots are gonna be in the rez with the pump, you will need a filter bag to put over your pump to keep roots from getting in. not sure what you mean by chambers, but an "aeroflo" system is what I think you mean, correct me if i'm wrong. if you're gonna do a sog, i guess you will need @...