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  1. S

    Leaf Rooted

    cool...thanks guys...guess ill be killing the poor thing now....
  2. S

    Leaf Rooted

    I managed to get a leaf off my White Widow mother to root, it has a root ball about the size of a golf ball. It has been transplanted to a pot of its own & gets everything it needs, but It hasnt shot off new shoots, grew, or changed AT ALL in the past month and a half. But it is still alive...
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    Noob here, lots o questions

    Thanks 4 the reply, I only use R/O water so that shouldnt be a problem. Having a salt water tank has given me a bit of a learners curve in the lighting/water chemistry department. It's Almost the same hobby, trying to keep corals alive. :) Speaking of which FYI for anyone looking for cheap...
  4. S

    Computer fan to exhaust veg chamber?

    Check these guys out, I used 2 of these in my custom pc......I cant speak for growing but I can speak for proformance
  5. S

    Noob here, lots o questions other thing. The nute burn isnt a death sentence right?? Anything I can do?? Must have been from putting Osmocote along with Grow Big....
  6. S

    Noob here, lots o questions

    Cool, hopefully I can get something out of all this hard work.....the guy that gave me the starter plant said WW is some killer green, he ordered the seeds from Holland.... we shall see. Thanks for the advice guys!
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    Noob here, lots o questions

    wait 2 weeks then go 12/12 with a hps. Excuse my noob-ness, whats hps short for??
  8. S

    Noob here, lots o questions

    Hello everyone, New here & have lots of questions. A Friend gave me a small clone of a White Widow a few months ago & I have grown it about 2 feet tall but it's not very bushy, but I have cloned it alot too, I have it under metal halides & use R/O water with a bit of grow big mixed in. I also...