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  1. AnthonyAlmighty

    6 seedlings in pots and under lights, what do you think the chances are

    I may very well order from Attitude, but I'm giving this a shot.
  2. AnthonyAlmighty

    6 seedlings in pots and under lights, what do you think the chances are

    It's bag-seed as this is my second grow. I wanted to get at least one through flower before going to seed bank.
  3. AnthonyAlmighty

    6 seedlings in pots and under lights, what do you think the chances are

    what do you think the chances are for getting females? These aren't feminized seeds, so I'm just rolling the dice. I'm hoping for two, but I'll be happy with 1 I can clone. :weed:
  4. AnthonyAlmighty

    Need confirmation of sex for first time grower

    I have three plants--all are male.
  5. AnthonyAlmighty

    Need confirmation of sex for first time grower

    I think I'm going to order fem'd seeds. I've been paranoid about that, though. I don't want the seed bank getting busted and the feds getting the names and addresses of everyone they've done business with. That would suck. I have a family I would like to continue to see. :)
  6. AnthonyAlmighty

    Need confirmation of sex for first time grower

    what sucks, is that it has been an 8o 10 week investment into finding out it's a male.... damn
  7. AnthonyAlmighty

    Need confirmation of sex for first time grower

    This looks male to me, but I wanted to get someone with experience to either confirm or overturn that conclusion.
  8. AnthonyAlmighty

    News: 'Internet KILL Switch' Does the USA need a KILL button/switch for security???

    They really shouldn't be worried about the power grids... it will survive without the internet. It won't be pretty, but it WILL work. Prior to TCP/IP communications, power plants ran via verbal dispatches sent from the ISO/RTO or transmission provider. In fact, it's a part of the NERC...
  9. AnthonyAlmighty

    News: 'Internet KILL Switch' Does the USA need a KILL button/switch for security???

    ...that would be a big old "negative ghost rider that pattern is full." This is exactly how Soviet Russia was formed... and failed. So, for everyone who's on-board with the current administration and their communist aspirations, "well done." Next stop, government work camps and daily bread...
  10. AnthonyAlmighty

    Usa! Usa! Usa!

    Well that sucks.
  11. AnthonyAlmighty

    Usa! Usa! Usa!

  12. AnthonyAlmighty

    Usa! Usa! Usa!

    A US Football (soccer) Haiku With my US fans Toked and stoked with beer in hand Win this Donavan!
  13. AnthonyAlmighty

    Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

    AMEN! Even those who are actually trying to help wind up doing nothing but hurting those they promise to "protect."
  14. AnthonyAlmighty

    When will you learn, government is the greatist danger you will face! Ever!!!

    If that were to happen, we would instantiate a true democratic government supported by capitalism. We would value and invest in the security of our nation and sovereignty of our democracy, and in time, we would once again have to battle those immigrating to our nation, where hard work and...
  15. AnthonyAlmighty

    When will you learn, government is the greatist danger you will face! Ever!!!

    Wow there sparky--what about the justices and czars he's appointed to key positions that influence legislation? What about the majority rule in the house and partisanship? Obama isn't a puppet, he's a mouth-piece, and that's a bit different. A puppet would insinuate he has no opinion, but...
  16. AnthonyAlmighty

    Hungry man smoke.

    I'm pretty fucking active anyway, so it doesn't bother me all that much to strap on some tennis shoes and start running somewhere. It's kind of like having a clean house--once you have a clean house, you are sort of pissed when it starts to get dirty. Same thing for buying new jeans for me. :)
  17. AnthonyAlmighty

    Pretty stoked and thought I would share my closet setup

    IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALIVE! Figured I would share the good news; the big clone took and is starting to open it's leaves again. I trimmed all of the larger leaves off of it and just left the top growth and the tiny new leaf sprouts. It sagged for a few days, then it started to straighten up and...
  18. AnthonyAlmighty

    Pretty stoked and thought I would share my closet setup

    So I used a little rooting hormone and planted last night. This morning, the clone has wilted pretty good. I took the entire top that I cut off and tried to replant that. I haven't read anywhere where that's a bad idea, but most all clone threads I've read have been on much smaller cuts.
  19. AnthonyAlmighty

    Pretty stoked and thought I would share my closet setup

    well... topped (*cry*) and I am attempting at cloning the top that I cut. I'm not sure I did it right, but we'll see won't we?
  20. AnthonyAlmighty

    Pretty stoked and thought I would share my closet setup

    bump... wondering where you guys think I should top this thing.. I was thinking lower down on the plant, although I'd hate to lose the growth I have thus far. Also contemplating staking/tying up the stem without topping.