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  1. johe25

    can you help me sex these please

    those sacks look like a male plant
  2. johe25

    expert advise on harvest needed....

    what trick did u do in order to achieve those monster buds...please help me out with some great methods
  3. johe25

    My 5Ft Plants Flowering

    dude...thats a beast...if u do it right, pending on the strain, and how good of a green thumb you are, you gonna get way more then 3oz's...honestly if yo do it right can get 8-10 oz easy....i suggest you search the web and find all the tricks to maximizing your buds to the fullest...Good...
  4. johe25

    11 weeks flowering and no crystals...WTF?!

    judging from how your leaves look... (my guess is) ....looks like u may have nutrient problems... by the way...the strain ur growin haves a big influence on the crystals your worried about....what kinda strain of bud r u growing?
  5. johe25

    When to switch to flowering

    you want to flower your plants anywere from 10 to 15 to inches tall. all you do is turn your light cycle to 12hrs light /12hrs dark.. last but not least you want to change the food your feeding want to feed them blooming nutirents.....(what ever kind u use is up to you...i...
  6. johe25

    When to switch to flowering

    you want to flower your plants anywere from 10 to 15 to inches tall. all you do is turn your light cycle to 12hrs light /12hrs dark.. last but not least you want to change the food your feeding want to feed them blooming nutirents.....(what ever kind u use is up to you...i...
  7. johe25

    is it okay to put your plants into a bigger pots at 4 weeks of flowering

    thanks for the info guys..... the only reason why i wanted to do it is because i thought i would get bigger buds fron doing it...i keep looking at pics and videos of these monster buds ON THE the internet....i also notice there using really large pots like 5 gallon and 7 gallon pots....i...
  8. johe25

    Getting a little too friendly wth dealers.

    dude...quit jerkinoff and go for it....
  9. johe25

    is it okay to put your plants into a bigger pots at 4 weeks of flowering

    Im at 4 weeks of flowering, i was thinking about putting them in bigger pots, they will be going from 3 gallon to 5 gallon pots.. is this a good idea, knowing there 4 weeks into flowering....will anythinhg bad happen.... also...if i was to do it, they will be put in fox farm soil, which is...
  10. johe25

    3 weeks into flowering but im starting to see borwn hairs on some of the buds???

    thanks aother question if u still there since u said there are sure am seeing teenager buds..i see buds but there not hella using a great bloom nutrient made by hydroponics...its works the plants grow to adult will the buds get thicker and...
  11. johe25

    3 weeks into flowering but im starting to see borwn hairs on some of the buds???

    help me out to whom haves the knowledge on what im talking bout... my girls have been flowering for three weeks..I can see buds which is good...on some of the buds...i can see some brown hairs, at three weeks of this normal??? this is my first time growing...its not alot of...