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  1. S

    Fungus On My Buds

    I gotta chuckle out of that.
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    If I Crash The Forklift....

    For a accident they take you before the ink is dry on the accident report, what have you been smoking.
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    white widow harvestt, pics

    How much time did you put into growing that 1/8th? You need to start over and read,read,read and ask many questions.
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    narrow thin leaves

    Thanks for the info i use the FF line and soil, i flush this morning.
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    Double Main Stem? Does this look alright?? - Free seed

    Thats the weirdest plant i've ever seen, keep us updated on that one. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
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    narrow thin leaves

    Sure glad i ran across your post, having the same problem on day 29th of flowering, waiting for one of the experts to reply.
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    Grow Tent Club

    Beautiful, absolutely beautiful
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    Yellow Spots and Wilty Leaves

    Oops sorry nutes is short for Nutrients
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    Yellow Spots and Wilty Leaves

    Did you see mite's or just the damage. I've looked over for any mites and have'nt seen one of em and with a mag glass i would see them. thanks for posting, another hard look when the lights come on might be in order.
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    Yellow Spots and Wilty Leaves

    Hello first time grow and i'm starting to have problems with wilty leaves with spots forming on others. It's just on a couple of leaves here and there. Want to keep up on it and turned in the right direction before it gets out of hand. I sprayed with fox farms "Don't bug me" last week after...
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    New Grow Room (pics) and Inline Fan Question

    Thank you for the link
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    New Grow Room (pics) and Inline Fan Question

    What is the brand you use from lowes, i have the same one photoed above with the hum going for a couple of days now, not to loud but the hum is louder then the fan its self.
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    Cut My First Cola Today

    First of many congrats Mook, can't wait till my first indoor harvest.
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    Help Me Solve This Problem (First Grow)

    12.6375 post a day,very impressive and still hasn't figured out what the search buttons for and what a little research does
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    What the Am I Gonna Do with All These Plants ?

    Breakdown took only 45 mins and will allow me to do things different that i was going to implement on my next grow. Bleach inside of tent, change out air intake/exhaust hose for lighter and more bendable one's, fasten ballast, power strips and all other goodie's to a removable 3/4 ply board...
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    What the Am I Gonna Do with All These Plants ?

    Well good luck with your dilemma and hopefully you pull through it ok.
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    What the Am I Gonna Do with All These Plants ?

    ya i just freaked out and hid, lived here 3 years and never seen or heard from the rental manager once thank god she has over 130+ house's and about 20 commercial building to look over in the 100 mile radius. Try my hand at a indoor grow with a CA 215 recommendation from the doc and now they...
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    What the Am I Gonna Do with All These Plants ?

    LOL going through the same thing,rental management handymen inspected the eves of the house last thursday with a 24 hour notice before showing up to inspect the outside, now they've shown up twice today with out 24 hour notice,all tools in hand and will need access to the garage where grow is...
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    Do You Stare at Your Plants?

    I race home to check on my ladie's and constantly tinker with shit, just to be around them. Gotta go, one of em is mental calling me as we speak.
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    Yellowish Powder

    I gave 9 back to my seed donor for a cut of the harvest, 6 will do me just fine till i get a hang of this growing.