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  1. W

    Quick question about getting rid of spider mites for indoor operation

    Oh, good idea to spray the room too. Thanks for the help as that should certainly hold things until harvest.
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    Quick question about getting rid of spider mites for indoor operation

    Ok, I've noticed spots on the top-sides of lower leaves with black specs on the bottom-side. They've began moving upward and spreading. I've sprayed the leaves with water and it has started to leach nutes from them (turning yellow). I'm wondering if I should spray with 1:1 water & rubbing...
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    Developing Strong Healthy Roots

    Thank you for that information. I've been wondering what it is that plants do during sleep. I currently don't have a sleep cycle for plants in veg and have killed many clones before the roots could even fill a dixie cup. I know it's because there is a lack of roots/foliage to "breath" but I have...
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    Mystery Problem : Symptoms - Overwatering, Crinkling, Curling, Red/Brown Edges

    well after about 15 hours the plant is dead. a truly mystery problem that requires me to either stop growing or to change medium. wow; and after 50 views w/ pics no one can diagnose it. The food leaves completely bleached yellow and dried and brown on the edges. So who says this is simple and...
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    Mystery Problem : Symptoms - Overwatering, Crinkling, Curling, Red/Brown Edges

    Ok, this is extremely frustrating for me because the textbook fundamentals of botany are being disproved in front of my face; repeatedly. I'm so angry that I had to take pictures so other people could finally see the symptoms I've been trying to describe for years now. Years you may be thinking...
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    how to slow fan speed down

    Thanks #1Raider, I like to think that people should have a little passion in whatever interest they may have whether it be women, music, video games, or in my case, honing the skills needed to grow the perfect miracle plant. We come from the earth, so does the MJ as well as many other herbs...
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    how to slow fan speed down

    It seems that I would most likely have to convert the fan's power cord plug into a split cable with the positive & negative ends and attach it to a wall plate-style fan speed control. Is this connection fairly straight forward? White and black wires, or is there more to it?
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    how to slow fan speed down

    Yeah, I purchased the lamp dimmer and, while it does work, it doesn't work as well as I thought it would. I don't know if it's because it's built to handle up to 300 watt loads and my fan is a measly 16 watts or because it's a dimmer for lights and not fans. It will hold me over for a grow or...
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    how to slow fan speed down

    Wow!! I went from this thread to and typed in light dimmer. I saw some options that varied in price, but the one wanted was the circular dimmer; the newer slide dimmer design has started to grow on me though. Anyway I found the dimmer and it was $10. I thought to myself, "great, but i...
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    how to slow fan speed down

    Awesome. I nice, simple solution that will provide for a substantial improvement in performance. Thanks for the help guerillabud.
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    Developing Strong Healthy Roots

    Wow, great responses to get me thinking. Thanks for responding as this issue has had me thinking for awhile now, periodically, since it first happened years ago. I think the only way to settle my curiosity is to force the same thing to happen again, so I know what to definitely avoid in the...
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    how to slow fan speed down

    Greetings fellow growers/hobbyists/connoisseurs, I have a pretty strong axial fan (16w) that is used to circulate air in and out of the cab. I have recently added a carbon filter to the system which I think is working at 75% at the moment. I have read that a fellow grower achieved better...
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    The All-around best grow setup

    I can't even think of a dream cab setup off the top of my head........... 1 x 4 square foot box with 10 x 23 watt cfls putting out 1,600 lumens each ~ 16,000 lumens / 4 square feet = 4,000 lumens per square feet 230 watts/ hr. Throw in a strong axial fan (sold at hydro shops) connected to dryer...
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    Developing Strong Healthy Roots

    I have been curious for awhile now about how to develop strong roots, since a healthy root system will almost ensure a robust plant that can defend against moisture or pest problems. Of course I have tried searching "developing roots/root systems," but of course there weren't any good results...
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    Salt Build Up or Root Bound?

    I have an ebb&flow system and I have been growing a crop for one month. Everything has been fine, plants grow fast and are very healthy, then over a 1.5 day period, most of the leaves are droopy, and resting on the branches below them. The plant is nice and green and the tops of the buds are...
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    Nutrient Uptake Question

    Well Cobra, There are clearly many different opinions on where ph should stay, and ppm as well. I often here that people are well into 1000 ppm by the time they hit flowering, but not me. I'm around 500ppm because my plants are only about 1'. PH for me has pretty much been 6.0 for years. I've...
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    Roots won't grow out of net pots - Flood & Drain Method

    Yeah, I'm fairly sure that roots grow just fine out of net pots. I have vids and one shows how you start with small pots for seedlings or cuttings and simply place the small pots into larger net pots, just like rockwool transplants. Here is some new info, the bottom of my net pot has roots...
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    Ebb&Flow - Plant leaves droopy over night after one month of growth

    I have been growing a plant for a month, and it has grown fast and very healthy. Over two days I noticed a few lower food leaves yellowing rapidly and curling. Today, most of the main food leaves (from main stem) are drooping. They don't look dead yet but I know they'll die soon because another...
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    Roots won't grow out of net pots - Flood & Drain Method

    I've been checking for awhile on that thread and what I found was light can get to the roots in net pots. I didn't find anything else. Does anyone use net pots? For those that have systems with net pots, are roots exposed to light? I understand the algae thing but does light exposure prevent...