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  1. SmashedBobnopants

    First Grow - Stealth - Bagseed

    Great job! Keep up the good work. Bagseed is all I use right now. Works!
  2. SmashedBobnopants

    How many plants would i need to grow to harvest 6 pounds every month?

    I dream of places like this. Like the dudes on Pineapple Express. Then I wake up. LOL I would be tickled pink just to grow enough for personal consumption.
  3. SmashedBobnopants

    You idiots that use fedex

    Back in the early 70's I got a lb. in a shoe box in the mail. I guess thous days are over?
  4. SmashedBobnopants

    Trimming harvest off plant

    I have trimmed down one plant. The best I could do was leave two water leaves. Looks pretty sad but under 24/0 lights for day 3 now it seems no worse. The rest will be trimmed very soon.
  5. SmashedBobnopants

    How You Feel When You Are "Stoned" "High" Or Whatever You May Call It.

    I don't know about twitching. I feel releaved, relaxed and just able to face the world nice. A friend who doesn't smoke but a couple times a year (during deer season) last winter was sitting at the kitchen table doing a bowl when his eyes rolled back into his head and he was gone. We laied him...
  6. SmashedBobnopants

    400 watt 2 liter Hempy SOG

    Totally awesome! Thank you for shairing this with us.
  7. SmashedBobnopants

    Anyone tried these USB Microscopes

    That is very nice and exactly what I want. Beautiful! I see some of the tricomes are purple, or are you just picking up purple from the leaves? Are any of these ready to harvest? Sorry about being off topic.
  8. SmashedBobnopants

    90 days for False information to Officer suck my balls??? Say it aint so...

    You think the cop sucked? Wait until you meet the PD!
  9. SmashedBobnopants

    Anyone tried these USB Microscopes

    Thank you everyone. A tight budget here, to say the least. Right now I'm using a magnifying glass with a smaller 2X peep hole, whatever that is? For $12. it sounds like it is worth a shot until I can get something better. Kind of sounds like the theory of my whole grow right now. "Until I can...
  10. SmashedBobnopants

    Anyone tried these USB Microscopes

    Radio Shack has a 12 dollar scope? How good is it? 60/100?
  11. SmashedBobnopants

    Trimming harvest off plant

    Thank you for your reply mygirls. I will give it my best shot. Is that a picture of your girl's pimp? LOL
  12. SmashedBobnopants

    Trimming harvest off plant

    I understand that the more harvests you get from a plant, the better it will be. Also that a small plant will yield as much as a large plant. The mother got to be about 4 foot tall and it looks like the later will become true with her clones. The problem I am having is with my short clones...
  13. SmashedBobnopants

    Be careful!!!!

    holy crap!
  14. SmashedBobnopants

    How a Police IR helicopter functions?

    This has been quite the read for me and I have learned a lot. Thank you all.
  15. SmashedBobnopants

    Howdy kidz!

    Thank you Chiceh.
  16. SmashedBobnopants

    F%CK! After the spidi-mite, I find a GNAT. what a wonderful day.

    This has been my problem sense day one or very close to it! They had to come in my soil. I will try all these ideas. They have been driving me crazy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will let you know how I make out.
  17. SmashedBobnopants

    Howdy kidz!

    I am an old hippy that has been smoking pot for over 40 years. I have always wanted to grow my own and am finally in a place to do so. I hope! I flowered my mother plant with a few mistakes and came up with some killer weed but the buds were very light and fluffy. I am flowering the clones now...