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  1. Giffo

    How come my seedlings are growing slow??

    You usually want to hold off on nuts for 3 or so weeks because seedlings are pretty sensitive towards the nut burn etc. There are so many variables in a grow that just saying "my seedlings wont grow" won't be able to get you any definitive answers. Give us better idea what your grow is like...
  2. Giffo


    Youre fine. Promise
  3. Giffo

    weed ph

    Well it depends. Are you using a test kit? Or a meter? Or a soil pH kit? I'm assuming its a test kit which is for water. You want a hydroponic medium to be about 6 +or- about .3 (generally). Check out for some basic info on cannabis pH
  4. Giffo

    Advice on AutoFlower!! PICS!!

    Exactly. This plant is only 4 weeks old and is at the average AF height and its already showing sex => flowering. In my mind all signs point pretty definitively to an AF strain although c5 seems to have other ideas. Keep us updated. Id like to see how it works out
  5. Giffo

    weed ph

    Im not totally sure what youre asking here. That is a good pH but what is that last sentence? >.>
  6. Giffo

    Quick question about Miracle-grow soil

    Meh. Miracle Gro. I wouldnt recommend it unless you have a good idea on how to properly amend it
  7. Giffo

    tap root up or this video

    Why dont you give quick summery so I know what I'm gonna spend 5 minutes watching
  8. Giffo

    Advice on AutoFlower!! PICS!!

    But his plant is sexing as you can see the two pistils emerging. That in my mind says auto.
  9. Giffo

    Advice on outdoor flowering

    30x is a good zoom to see the mushroom trichs and their coloring. You can get them pretty cheap at a local general store or walmart or just order online. Id look into nuts too simply as a supplement to what you are doing. Try to find one with a around 15 count for P (Big Bloom etc)
  10. Giffo

    First time using nutes

    1/8 is fairly weak. Actually very weak. I start with 1/4 and work up from there depending on their reaction. You're gonna want a higher P than N nut system now as well since youre vegging
  11. Giffo

    advice needed asap

    Glad to hear you did. You're gonna want a soiless mix with a neutral pH for early plant life. This gives you control over what the plant gets and saves you from the headache of figuring out what deficiencies and surpluses of nutrients your soil mix is providing your seedlings
  12. Giffo

    Need help! Lighting info

    Agreed. CFLs can be picked up relatively cheap and will blow what you have out of the water. A few 2700 and 6500 will work fine for a smallish grow. Shoot for 7k lumens per sqft. Any more is golden
  13. Giffo

    2 week olds slowly gettin yellower and yellower

    This could very well be nut burn. Are you feeding them any amount of nitrogen? If not do you know the npk of the soil mix youre using?
  14. Giffo


    Small and white will equate to it crumbling in your hand under any pressure. You want dark, hard, mottled seeds. These have the highest rate of germination. The seed isnt worth your time. Also bagseed is always a gamble. i.e Was is really kush? As akilleez said if you want seeds then go through...
  15. Giffo

    Help plz

    Stay away from glass/clear potting devices. Roots will grow to the edges of the pot and go into shock when the light reaches them. Absolutely you need a pot that drains! Without drainage you will have root rot from over watering before you can blink. I'm not totally sure what you mean about your...
  16. Giffo

    weed ph

    Invest in some pH up and down because nuts most certainly can skew your pH ito dangerous territory. Or if you are on a budget steal some of your mom's vinegar and baking soda
  17. Giffo

    Will i only get about an eigth again?

    This plant is gonna hop into veg ridiculously fast not making for good results. I'm predicting wispy, fluffy bud in a very small amount. Best of luck though! Just don't sink money into this grow lol
  18. Giffo

    Check out my first outdoor grow on Flickr and Comment Please!

    Did you consider supercropping or topping them to make em bush out more rather than the bud on a stick thing thats going on?
  19. Giffo

    Shit! No more direct sunlight

    Not everybody can afford to produce the behemoths you seem to enjoy lol. Direct sunlight is good but indirec will still produce the red spectrum lighting you need for flowering. I wouldnt worry too much about it although this isnt to say your yield will be what it could have been with direct
  20. Giffo

    Advice on AutoFlower!! PICS!!

    If theyre showing sex/turning veg in 20/4 light or 18/6 light then yes they would be autos.