Search results

  1. sketchystunts

    Glen Beck. Love Him or Hate Him, He Speaks the Truth

    If you believe anything that shows up on fox new you are sad individual, not that nbc or anyother major news network is any better. Those people profit from you naivety, blindly believing every chunk of bullshit that they spew. Do your own research before you believe the so called "facts". our...
  2. sketchystunts

    BLOODY RAID VIDEO! WIKILEAKS: Al Qaeda to unleash 'nuclear hellstorm' if Osama killed

    We kill Bin. Then we let another terrorist attack happen just like 9/11 except this time the "terrorists" are from a different middle eastern country. Now they once again get the people of the US to back the invasion of another country for monetary reasons. callin it right now
  3. sketchystunts

    Game of thrones

    it was awesome man. way better than i thought it was going to be
  4. sketchystunts

    Who Is An Engineer/Designer?

    I'm attending school to be an engineer as well, very strange but I'm exactly the same as you minus the building a race car. I've worked in the industry since my freshman year and while my grades are not at the top of the class I have 4 times the experience of anybody I know. Someday once...
  5. sketchystunts

    Sic Grandma And Medical Cannabis

    ya i guess being direct is my best bet. thanx guys
  6. sketchystunts

    Sic Grandma And Medical Cannabis

    Ok so my grandmother had a tiny little benign tumor removed last year. This Tumor just happened to be pressing up against the nerve endings of her inner-ear giving her the symptoms of vertigo. Now the vertigo is gone but she constantly has headaches and pain in that area. I feel so bad for her...
  7. sketchystunts

    Indoor vs Outdoor

    damn those look incredible. I think Arjans right hand dude said it best Paraphrasing " indoors you don't get every possible cannabinoid and terpins because artificial light doesnt contain every spectrium that the sun puts out."
  8. sketchystunts

    I hate George Lopez

    I used to watch his sitcom with my girl. Then i watched it stoned one time and realized how annoying and fake the guy is. anyone have a similiar experiance where weed ruins something for you?
  9. sketchystunts

    Movies To Watch High

    put search in google followed by and it will search this entire site.
  10. sketchystunts

    SOJA Best Thing That's Happen To Reggae Since Marley

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0"...
  11. sketchystunts

    meeting the parents? Help!

    In my experiance if the parents are fucked up like that, the girl is just as fucked up if not more. Run man get out while you can before she starts acting like herself and you've wasted 6 months on the bitch
  12. sketchystunts

    Extreme Q Vap Initial Feelings.

    Make sure you guys with extreme q's pack the elbow for extra efficiantcy. just take the elbow that connects to the cyclone bowl and pack that cup shaped screen. saves you a ton of herb, I honestly pack a .05 to .1 in there and get blasted.
  13. sketchystunts

    Sitcoms Trip Me Out

    when im fucked up sitcoms just look so fake and cheesy to me. The nerdy brother from two and half men really bugs me out. he looks like a vantriliquist (i know i butchered that) dummy.
  14. sketchystunts

    What do you stoners do in the weekend ??

    Hiking or camping bro. kinda a shity time for it right now tho
  15. sketchystunts

    Eating Hash - At First I Was Skeptical

    what you heat it up with?
  16. sketchystunts

    Screw Electic Cars with batteries ~vs~Educate this fool about electric cars

    If we could harvest all our energy via wind turbines and ocean current driven turbines the electricity would be the way to go. But currently we use "Clean Coal" absolutely not clean at all. Some of the worst biproducts imaginable come from the mining of it. for example they fire cannons every...
  17. sketchystunts

    Screw Electic Cars with batteries ~vs~Educate this fool about electric cars

    hydrogen is no better than plug in cars because the energy needed to produce the hydrogen is quite large. It also involves burning coal or other fossil fuels just like electricity.
  18. sketchystunts

    Happenings That Changed Your Life?

    two snitches don't make a right....errr... isnt that how it goes?
  19. sketchystunts


    non-natives cant buy weed in coffee shops anymore. crackin down on shit big time.