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  1. troymacclure

    auto pounder help

    ty for the help
  2. troymacclure

    auto pounder help

    I am am a if it isn't broke don't fix it guy and I like to read and get the best info from here. With that out of the way I decided to try an auto strain. I have 2 rooms Veg is 8 bulb T5 18 on 6 off. The second is 2 1000 hps 12 on 12 off. There is not a lot of info on the autos out there. I am 3...
  3. troymacclure

    Help do not know what to do

    no is a good timer but the screw for the off came loose
  4. troymacclure

    Help do not know what to do

    so is leaving the lights off till tommorrow a good or bad thing
  5. troymacclure

    Help do not know what to do

    went on vacation for 12 days and just got back. Had a friend watch my girld while i was gone. SAome how the light timer messed up and lights went to 24/7 I dont know how long but i am 6 weeks into flower. 1000 hps super skunk is the main. What do i do now. Please help Also i have turned the...
  6. troymacclure

    curing wonder woman

    I have a problem and i know this is the place to solve it. The strain did well grew huge buds. :cuss:When drying the humidity dropped and the buds were crispy after 3 days. I put them in jars for 4 days. Now it stones me after 2 tokes but the man in town says it does not hit him the same way...
  7. troymacclure

    Bud Rot found after harvest

    Jack ty 1st grow in seven years and the only thing i dont know it rh i will say it is high and will do something about that. I have already choped them down and noticed it they are driying with the others will they continue to rot after harvest and can it spread still
  8. troymacclure

    Bud Rot found after harvest

    so will they continue to rot? There is still alot of god smoke it is just the center. After they are cut down can it still spread?
  9. troymacclure

    Bud Rot found after harvest

    Damn bud rot I now know this is what i have and it affects my 2 ladies of course the biggens did not until harvest they were in the back. What do i do at this point? Will it spread to other flowers? Help me please. thanks T-roy
  10. troymacclure

    Pump died during flush.

    already have the new pump in place thank you for the quick responce. I will try and get some pics tonight
  11. troymacclure

    Pump died during flush.

    I have an ebb and flow system 1st grow doing well but i am pumping 2 trays from 1 resevour. I went away for the week end and the pump got stuck and went a day with no water. I am in the 8 week of flower only 3 of my girls are bad off but 1 is the biggen. All the fan leaves are crispy but the...
  12. troymacclure

    start flower with mh

    Thank you to all who have replied
  13. troymacclure

    start flower with mh

    I have 1 but the flower room is full and still about 1 - 2 weeks away from harvest. I dont raely want to buy another hps now. How can i stunt the veg growth for 1-2 weeks then. thank you in advance. t roy
  14. troymacclure

    start flower with mh

    OK thanks to a freind i am on my first grow in 7 years. The pics are a week old dropped camera in water. I will be getting a new one 2nite. They are wonder woman (awesome plant)The veg room is getting out of hand and my main question is can i start the flower on a 1000 mh. Then move to 1000hps...
  15. troymacclure

    Hey rydub awesome journal. I have a sog of wonder woman in its 6 week of flower. In your humble...

    Hey rydub awesome journal. I have a sog of wonder woman in its 6 week of flower. In your humble opinion when should i start to flush. First grow in 7 years so i am a little lost. 1000 hps 5 x 5 room and btw wonder woman rocks. Thank you in advance. T roy