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  1. D

    How long have I got? "the black spot!"

    could the black spots maybe be a type of fungus?
  2. D

    My leaves look bitten !! NO SIGHN OF BUGS!!!

    lol i may be stoned but your first statement seemed to be such a natural thought. it came across well in text
  3. D

    You've gotta read this!

    florida is the worst state wonder how he got caught? link to the article? wonder if he had a big mouth or the fact that he had 13 individual 1000watt lights running... that would spike his energy usage dramatically no?
  4. D


    How much do you trust your friend is my question. I think i heard on here "if you tell one person they tell two"
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    Going to the cannabis expo in sanfrancisco as a Judge!!

    do you have to have a medicinal card to go? seems you would right?
  6. D

    Buds losing their smell!

    from what i have read on this forum it will smell more plant-like until about 5 weeks or so after curing then more like the good smell we like.
  7. D

    Is it bad to change reserviors while flowering?

    yeah you are right. I was just told that the roots are are tangled. they will have to finish where they are. thanks for the answers though
  8. D

    Is it bad to change reserviors while flowering?

    Thanks. noob to this was just checking.
  9. D

    Is it bad to change reserviors while flowering?

    right now its just an 18gal storage bin with 4 airstones inside. 2 holes cut out for the 2 girls. would be easier to work with for us to change them to seperate 5 gal buckets. I just didnt know if the change would stress them any, you know changing res solutions and all. PH levels are good and...
  10. D

    Is it bad to change reserviors while flowering?

    Like the title says. Is it bad to change during flower? Want to go from a 18gal bin to 2 seperate 5 gal buckets.
  11. D

    Is this okay to harvest?

    i meant his buds are looking just like yours...some reds with more white pistils
  12. D

    Is this okay to harvest?

    i started a thread similar to this. my friend has bagseed going and they look very much like this guys. he is at 10 weeks since they showed sex and almost 12 weeks on 12/12. what is the longest any of you have seen a sativa dominent strain flower for?
  13. D

    Outdoor/Secret Garden?

    i would say plant a bunch of different things. may be harder to spot them that way.
  14. D

    Tell me all about flowering

    can you post pics?
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    Green and bud light only for me
  16. D

    quick question on unsure strain

    this thread will be quick....... my buddy took some bagseed from a bag he got around halloween they were calling it "christmas bud" he was told it was some kinda cali mids looks sativa dominent leaves are fat but lenghty he has them under a 400w hps and flipped them to 12/12 on december...
  17. D

    Anyone with ordering experience from HTG supply?

    Just place your order man. They are pretty reliable although usually its tough to get them on the phone.(well, thats been my experience) if they mess up really bad they will just send you a free bulb or 2. out of the 3 orders i have done with them it usually takes a week for them to actually...
  18. D

    Wat is the cost to run 600 watts of LEDs?

    I know there is calculators out there that do this for you but the math aint that hard...found it on some website light wattage output / 1000) x electricity cost per kilowatt hour = Operating cost per hour operating cost per hour x hours used per month = Operating cost per month
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    Welthink Ballasts WARNING

    was just making a point not trying to start an "e fight"
  20. D

    Welthink Ballasts WARNING

    call me extra paranoid but i wouldnt be giving out specifics of my order or conversations with whoever this Sonny guy is. you are posting on a MJ growing site and if you piss him off enough couldnt he just forward your info to the local LEO?