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  1. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Just go to his lawn, drop your pants and leave a steamy pile, then say, "Hey! Just fertilizing your lawn as you have fertilized mine!!!"
  2. M

    Switching to Organics, How will I do?

    Would 3 cups of glacial rock dust added to that be good for rock dusts? I am glad I am almost there. As the days get closer to November I get excited like I used to as a child with Christmas, goddamnit. Also, you told me on another post to cook this with lid sitting on, no sealed and holes...
  3. M

    Switching to Organics, How will I do?

    Will 3.5 Cups of 6-5-3 Mix (Calcium carbonate-soft rock phosphate-gypsum) 2 Cups Azomite 3 Cups Kelp Meal 3 Cups Crab Shell Meal 2 Cups Neem Seed Meal 8 Cups Alfalfa Meal 2 Cups Fish Bone Meal 2 1/3 Tablespoons BioAg TM-7 Be a well rounded soil that will be able to fight off fungus gnats...
  4. M

    Switching to Organics, How will I do?

    also, is neptunes harvest organic crab shell the same thing as crab shell meal
  5. M

    Switching to Organics, How will I do?

    On the neemresource website, is the neem seed meal called neem cake? I cant seem to find neem seed meal.
  6. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    hahahaha dont worry! I am definitely doing the vermicomposting bin. I just need to wait til har..*cough* November.
  7. M

    Switching to Organics, How will I do?

    Ok I will take your advice on this. I was concerned about it eing too hot but I trust your experience more than my speculation. But this sprouts another question: Should I go more diverse since I can get amendments, or try what I have stated and go from there? I have no problem re-adjusting this...
  8. M

    Switching to Organics, How will I do?

    I'll do a quick revision of my soil: Here is the base Mix: Total CU without powders and meals = 6.8 cu PROMIX = 3.8 cu / 6.8 cu = 55.88% (Peatmoss and perlite) Perlite = 1.0 cu / 6.8 cu = 14.71% EWC = 1.5 cu / 6.8 cu = 22.06% Ancient Forest = .5 cu / 6.8 cu = 7.35% Amendments for ~7 cu of base...
  9. M

    Switching to Organics, How will I do?

    My only question in regards to this is if it will be too hot with all these amendments to put the clones directly in the soil. That mix posted on the last page is designed so that it can fill the container with 100% that soil mix, and not burn my clones. Would the soil with all these amendments...
  10. M

    C02 Question

    The are is about ummmm... hmmm maybe 10 x 10, if that. Basically the 4 raptor 8 hoods are hanging next to each other in a rectangle, with about 6 to 10 inches in between them. I have the glass off the hoods right now because my inline fan is sucking through a HEPA filter to help keep the room...
  11. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    When you re-amend the soil on the 2nd generation, should I add anymore humus / ewc, or only the dry amendments?
  12. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    This is what I had thought, just needed reassuring. I have some good genetics that already get me some dense goodness. Damnit November, where are you?
  13. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    I love it. I used to grow then stopped for a few years, now I'm legally doing it so I feel better about it. I sometimes sit in my flower room for an hour just thinking and watching them grow, it's peaceful. Anyways, I gotta question for you that I haven't seen discussed too much in my search...
  14. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    I guess I will just wait and see what I develop into. I am getting so excited about switching to organics I can't see to stop learning every single of information available. I know experience will do me wonders, but since I have a month I don't think it will do much harm constantly learning...
  15. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    My mentor and I argue about the two week flush before harvest. I don't like the idea of giving them nothing, he doesn't like the idea of chemicals in the end product. It was my call this round and I am going with molasses and half strength emerald triangle killer tea for the last two weeks. I am...
  16. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Wait so you water with plain water first then add tea? I thought I was supposed to water with pure tea. Is there a big difference between the two?
  17. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Ahh I see. So just keep the soil moist not drenched. This will be a fun new thing to learn. I normally do the wet dry cycles. So just keep giving them enough water to keep them constantly moist. Got it. I guess the next step is experience. By the first of november I will build my soil and start...
  18. M

    Another Simple Compost Tea Recipe

    Ahh okay so it is not a big deal to dilute the nutrient teas? Good to know! I totally forgot about monitoring PPM for these teas, I guess that is the best way to measure how much to give them.
  19. M

    C02 Question

    It is 4-600w hps with raptor hoods without the glass on. Tempts get about 67 f during lights off, and right around 80 f during lights on, with the a/c running full blast. I also have a dehumidifier running constantly. They both are dehumidifying though. The a/c and dehumidifier fill up 1 5...
  20. M

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Ahh okay. With chemical nutes I usually water to the point of run off, and water less often. I know you don't want run off. So watering more often with less water is the way to go then huh? Also, you think 30 days is enough time for this mix to cook? or should I still give it the 45 to 60 like...