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  1. AhighPIPER

    Wishful Thinking for Arizona's Sheriff Joe SubHuman!

    SubHuman??! Sounds like you've got alot of built up Hate for this guy. I don't necessarily agree with the old Sheriff on the war on drugs, but he's spot-on with illegal immigration:blsmoke:.
  2. AhighPIPER

    BB57's 4000 watt Sealed Grow/DWC/Scrog

    Looks like you've got all your ducks in a row. Subscribed for sure. +rep for fronting the Vibram fivefingers. I got a pair a few weeks back, and they are damn comfy:bigjoint:
  3. AhighPIPER

    Why are so many growers against gun ownership?

    Well said:clap:. and once again "no drama" involved, just facts. Nice collection you got there as well, especially that SIG 556 in the middle.
  4. AhighPIPER

    Rick Perry's Plea

    Exactly... Rick Perry doesn't give a shit about the border, just votes.
  5. AhighPIPER

    Ground Zero Mosque

    The First Amendment of the United States Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the...
  6. AhighPIPER

    Usa!!!! Usa!!!!! Usa!!!!!!

    No kidding, what the hell is up with FIFA reffing??? Cant bad calls be overturned? or do the refs have the power to pick what goals count???:?
  7. AhighPIPER

    Usa!!!! Usa!!!!! Usa!!!!!!

    USA!!!:bigjoint: What a game, and were in the final 16!!!!
  8. AhighPIPER

    What do you guys think of the new Anti-Immigrant Law SB 1070 in Arizona?

    I don't understand the debate:-?. If anyone can just jump across "the boarder" and have the same rights and liberties as the citizens of this country; Then whats the point of having citizenship? Whats the point of having a boarder? Hell, whats the point of having a country? lol Illegal...
  9. AhighPIPER

    What kinda plant is this? (pics)

    Looks like sassafras to me.:blsmoke:
  10. AhighPIPER

    Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

    Thanks for the tip rzza, no point in arguing with a fool. As for the Michigan tread, ill check it out for sure.:bigjoint:
  11. AhighPIPER

    If you smoked weed you caused 9/11

    Someone gets it:clap:. +rep
  12. AhighPIPER

    I Cant Get Enough of Sweet Mary Jane

    :lol::-D:lol: - UK gangster's
  13. AhighPIPER

    almost died tonight at work

    :lol::-D:-D:lol: Good stuff
  14. AhighPIPER

    Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

    " If the mother did not attack the officer it never would have happened. The mother can blame herself for the death of her daughter. IF she was not a dumb bitch her daughter would not have been killed...
  15. AhighPIPER

    Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

    This was MURDER. Reading some of these post that defend the actions of these Nazi's makes me sick. As a born & raised Michigander I'm not that shocked to see this happen. Unfortunately, shit like this happens all the time round these parts. I'm on the other side of the "glove", and it's just as...
  16. AhighPIPER

    A-TRAIN, 57 days in 12/12.... Looks like leaves are RUSTING? WTF

    Need some help on this. Seems to be spreading, but just on the leaves... Should I chop early? Thanks in advance fellas.....:eyesmoke:
  17. AhighPIPER

    Your preaching to the choir:roll:. My eyes are wide awake

    Your preaching to the choir:roll:. My eyes are wide awake
  18. AhighPIPER

    Failed device in nyc

    No worries:wink:. Thanks for correcting your error.
  19. AhighPIPER

    Failed device in nyc

    I NEVER said it was the police's call. Nor did I bad mouth them:-?. Agreed, they are just doing there job and there damn good at it. I said they have the "authority". Authority is obviously given down the ladder. Benjamin Franklin - "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little...
  20. AhighPIPER

    Failed device in nyc

    Get ready to see a lot more of these incidents in the near future. The police now have the the authority to forcefully evacuate people from cities because they deemed something "suspicious"....