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  1. Dreadhippy

    Keeping that evidence under control with a worm bin!

    it looks like your worms are getting too much heat/humidity, this could be happening because your keeping the lid on the tote? you should shred a bunch of newspaper and fill up the rest of the tote so the newspaper just rests on top then leave the lid off. when you see the worms crawling on...
  2. Dreadhippy

    Keeping that evidence under control with a worm bin!

    I also throw mine in my worm bin and it is gone in a few days or so, the worms can eat more than half their body weight a day in decaying organic material, here's my setup. buy 1 pound red wriggler worms (I ordered offline about 30 bucks) my worms primarily eat shredded junkmail, I just remove...
  3. Dreadhippy

    top leaves curling, advice needed

    could be, this one did stretch a few inches past the other 2 so it was abit closer I'll try and move the light up some
  4. Dreadhippy

    top leaves curling, advice needed

    so I have 3 plants under 1000 watts, 7 gallon smart bags, fox farms ocean forest soil feeding every other feeding with fox farms tiger bloom and big bloom root fert. I have had some low temps, down in the 50's but it's been consistent over the life of the plants and this is the first time I've...
  5. Dreadhippy

    Odd USPS Tracking? Can anyone shed some light?

    I got these odd messages also ordering from attitude but I just waited and it showed up , the webpage never did update the status even after delivery.
  6. Dreadhippy


    I grow my kitchen herbs via/aquaponics. I just have gravel in a grow container that sits on top of my fish tank and a small CFL above that, I pump fishtank water into the gravel and it drains back to the fishtank, in the tank I have snails, goldfish and a few crawfish, there are red wriggler...
  7. Dreadhippy

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    looking real good stumpjumper!
  8. Dreadhippy

    63 degrees

    yes, I actually hung blankets to keep in some heat, I got the smallest forced air heater I could find and moved the walls in with blankets and it became much easier to keep the temp up, the first few hours the lights are on in the morning I take off half the ducting so the heat from the light...
  9. Dreadhippy

    63 degrees

    I'm doing a basic journal on it, mostly just pics every day or few days, all 7 of my journal entries are of these ladies
  10. Dreadhippy

    63 degrees

    I'm above 6000 feet in the rocky mountains so I have massive temp fluctuations, this month we have been going from 10F outside at night to 80F during the day. even with a heater and air conditioner, 3 fans, ducting and inline duct fan for the lights and my temps were fluctuating wildly from 39...
  11. Dreadhippy

    SCROG/LST Switch to HPS?

    I could be wrong but it's my understanding that you can't give too much light you can only create too much heat for the plant? put up a big light and have your CFL's around for supplimental light? that's what I did, I got my 125W CFL for side light and my 1000w for canopy light
  12. Dreadhippy

    Dog feces for fertilizer

    the main reason not to use dog feces as a fert is that it contains harmful parasitic organisims that lay microscopic eggs that can get into whatever your growing, if it is put through the hot phase of composting it could feasably be useful to plants but you still get all the negatives. I have a...
  13. Dreadhippy

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    thanks for starting this thread way back when, it helped me make an informed decision on to LST or not to LST, I tried the string method but it was just way more work than I wanted to deal with so I cut hangers to start and pinned the plants down and then graduated to buying some giant...
  14. Dreadhippy

    Plant training advice for a 3.5ft wide x 15ft length x 8ft tall room

    you could skip topping altogether and just go hardcore LST, I am currently doing 3 pineapple chunk in my journals if you wanna see the method, I got my them as wide as I wanted now I'm letting them go vertical, 5 weeks veg got a 2.5 foot plant to sit nicely at a few inches
  15. Dreadhippy

    small explanation of vermicomposting (making worm castings)

    I feed them to my bearded dragon, he's about 2 feet long and loves eating the darkling beetles but especially the mealworms they become
  16. Dreadhippy

    small explanation of vermicomposting (making worm castings)

    I should also mention that a happy colony can eat more than half their body weight in a day so you can really crank out the castings after awhile
  17. Dreadhippy

    small explanation of vermicomposting (making worm castings)

    I have been raising red wrigglers for worm castings for 4 years now. I thought I would share a few pics I found while cleaning up my hard drive on how to get yourself started for the least amount of investment. the 2 bucket method cost around 30 dollars for a pound of red wrigglers and 10...
  18. Dreadhippy

    Rainbow Gathering

    I have stayed to help cleanup, it may take months but the job gets done, there are many, many letters from the forest service stating that the cleanup has in most cases left the sites in better shape than they were found in. erosion gets dealt with, trails get covered, bridges dismantled...
  19. Dreadhippy

    enough to keep 4x4 warm at night?

    if you have to heat it then that heater would be more than enough to heat that small area. I bought a heater for my room a week ago but ended up adjusting my light height which let me fine tune my temp without an additional heat source.