63 degrees


Well-Known Member
I have no way, or at least dont know a cheap easy way to heat my box up a little, i heard ideal temperatures were 75-85F

do i need to do something or is 63-65F ok


Active Member
Is that with lights on or off? Is the box outside? Do you have ducts for ventilation?
If its indoors, try raising the ambient temperature of the room it is in.


Well-Known Member
Is that with lights on or off? Is the box outside? Do you have ducts for ventilation?
If its indoors, try raising the ambient temperature of the room it is in.

so your just saying raise the temp of the enitre room and it should come up a few degrees, and yeah thats inside with the lights on and little ventilation, i guess my house is cold .. eh


Active Member
Yeah, if you pump up your room temperature a few degrees. should help out.. or could put more lights in the box! will also raise temps slightly! hell you must be living out in Canada like me lol... gets cold out now!


Active Member
Yeah, thats pretty cold for indoors.:eyesmoke:
The box shouldn't get any colder than the room temperature, so go from there. Instead of heating up your whole house or messing with your vents, you can just get a small space heater and put it in the room. Preferably one with a thermostat. Just be careful with the heater and set it up properly and not near anything that will burn. A little glass-top table works well for that. One less thing you have to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats pretty cold for indoors.:eyesmoke:
The box shouldn't get any colder than the room temperature, so go from there. Instead of heating up your whole house or messing with your vents, you can just get a small space heater and put it in the room. Preferably one with a thermostat. Just be careful with the heater and set it up properly and not near anything that will burn. A little glass-top table works well for that. One less thing you have to worry about.
and to you skunk thats actually a good idea i have one kicking around the house too i dont know why i didnt think of it, thanks for the help guy happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you pump up your room temperature a few degrees. should help out.. or could put more lights in the box! will also raise temps slightly! hell you must be living out in Canada like me lol... gets cold out now!
as far east as you can get mario, and your right it is getting chilly these days. thanks for the quick reply


Active Member
Your welcome, good luck. On the bright side, most people have problems battling high temps. You got the easier of those battles.8-)


Well-Known Member
Those little oil filled heaters are nice and gentle. Not oiled burning..electric with oil that heats up.


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess you right if you look at it that way skunk, and coho whats wrong with one of the old fashion oil burning ones ? its a big enough difference for you to say dont bother with it ?


Active Member
Cool another east coast Canadian grower like myself!... hell when its 50's or lower outside and feels like 30's. ( or 1°C for my fellow Canadian) makes for great temps growing indoors! My cab has been cooler then ever haha!and has bring out the purple's and deep blues in my strain! I get about 55-60 at night. and 70-75 during the day tho! ( a perfect 15 Degree difference! ) So must be in a nice cool spot!


Well-Known Member
wow mario i didnt know that a temp difference could cause that ill be sure to take down the temp of my box at the end of dark cycle. t hanks for the tip


Active Member
Check it out! You'll find it anywhere online that colder temps for your night can/will bring out the purple's/blues in a strain! Tho some are just naturally purple .. but Normally a 15 degree difference between your days and nights can cause the purple to come out! (like in fall temps how the leafs change on the tress!) Tho not all strains will As I've read! try to keep it within the 50 range..( stay away for 40's! ) after a certain point it can cause plant growth to slow down. so experiment!!! not every strain will turn purple! some more then other's

Right from high times!

"The origins of purple cannabis are as much of a mystery as the origins of the plant itself. However, purpling is as natural as the changing colors on the leaves of deciduous trees in autumn, which is attributed in part to the pigment anthocyanin. Anthocyanin expression is controlled by both genetic and environmental factors"

They say you learn something new everyday! even if its something useless!


Well-Known Member
Thats actually real good to know mario, it does get quiet a bit cooler in the room and I assume the box late night/ early morning and thats when I turn the lights back on.
Hoping on getting at least a 10 degree difference now so there could be a slight change just so I can PM you in later days and tell you your the man . When before this thread I never would have wanted it hahah.


Well-Known Member
so i reviewed the temps while the lights are off and theres barly a change, like 3-4 degrees too bad though i was getting excited because i would have assumed it was going to drop quiet a bit more then thanks, thanks for the good information though guys // and anymore tips or indoor growing information anyone wants to share feel free always like a good read


Well-Known Member
so your just saying raise the temp of the enitre room and it should come up a few degrees, and yeah thats inside with the lights on and little ventilation, i guess my house is cold .. eh
What a dilemma. Buy bigger lights and grow better pot. I'm in AK. Use that heat all winter.


Active Member
I'm above 6000 feet in the rocky mountains so I have massive temp fluctuations, this month we have been going from 10F outside at night to 80F during the day. even with a heater and air conditioner, 3 fans, ducting and inline duct fan for the lights and my temps were fluctuating wildly from 39 at night to 93 in the day inside my grow shed (10x20 barn shed). while I had minor heat damage start to show when they were younger they quickly adjusted. now I am maintaining a solid 45 at night and 70 during the day and the girls seem to LOVE the lower temps, they are always perky and happy looking when I turn on the lights. it was a full time job keeping up with micromanaging my temperatures so I had to widen my range to make it easier to maintain.


Well-Known Member
Hippy thats pretty epic man and pretty crazy you managed to keep them going strong out of a house all the way up there at this time of year, good share man thread me to a few pics if any or post them up on here if ya'd like. Id like to see how your girlies look!