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  1. welby

    Premature Erection

    christmass decorations should never go up before thanksgiving. Politely tell her you're divorcing her, now. It's only going to get wackier if you let it go any longer.
  2. welby

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    For about 5 years I would generally only smoke once a year. I experimented with quite a few different substances, as well as indulging heavily in a couple, when I was in my late teens and I, at one point or another, decided to just walk away. I sadly picked the booze back up for a good portion...
  3. welby

    Supercropping and Canopy Control

    awesome quote. Congrats on the job, I used QuickFix for a pre and am starting on monday as well, big hand-shattering high five all around. shwag, I know what you mean about supercropping in flower. I hate to have to do it, but I got this damn Haze right now that just stretches to damn ceiling...
  4. welby

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  5. welby

    Does everybody who smoke weed, smoke cigarettes too?

    no, but everyone who eats McChicken sandwhiches smokes cigarettes. There's not a combination on this earth better than a McChicken followed by a smoke.
  6. welby

    Its a natural bodily function so which one have you done ????

    babahhahah GWN I totally forgot about the Ryans Steakhouse Story. That is one of the funniest stories to ever grace the internet.
  7. welby

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    The movement is the right one but, as the above video suggests at it's end, there needs to be some sense of solidarity to power it. This will not solve the glaring problems we have in our financial system here in America in a matter of a few months, there must be an ongoing fight and the...
  8. welby

    Its a natural bodily function so which one have you done ????

    Had salmonella poisoning the day of/following my wedding. It was a number 7 horrorshow for at least a week. Really fucking miserable
  9. welby

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    God this is a great thread
  10. welby

    I'm Racist

    Saw this spawn of Satan in my barn last week. I normally just ignore them if they're off in Spiderland, being corners and dungeonous areas where people do not frequent. But when they unwittingly meander into, or aggressively attempt to overtake, the Human world, well, I kill them with whatever...
  11. welby

    does your dick touch ur ass.??

  12. welby

    The Tautline Hitch - A very handy knot

    thank you, will be adding those to my arsenal of knots.
  13. welby

    You ever drink so much you have a hangover for literally almost a week?

    Here we call that a hebben. Named after a friend of ours that will drink with us then disappear for days sometimes weeks to recuperate.
  14. welby

    10,800 watts - will it draw suspicion?

    In a sufficiently sized house with a garage you can just tell them you're running a auto/engine repair business out of your place and/or switched to electric heat. Then you pay the bill and all is happy. They're not going to investigate you any further than a phone call. If you start...
  15. welby

    cant find a 12v transformer for my 2 fans.

    yes, ones with variable voltages to control fan speed as well. buy off their website?
  16. welby

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    tongue has been on every part of my wife's skin, i'm not shy.
  17. welby

    solar panels

    They're only as good as make them. It obviously depends on how much electricity costs per kilowatt-hour and how much of a power hog you are right now. If you are currently using a large amount of power per month, say 1300 kwh/month then you'd be better off spending your money and time simply...
  18. welby

    Fun Facts

    the electric chair was invented by a dentist
  19. welby

    Fun Facts

    Uranus does as well. [insert your anus joke]
  20. welby

    Whats the best rooting hormone to use ,, PLZ HELPPPP ????

    This. Currently using rootone powder and pro-mix in dixie cups. not the most high tech method but i'm enjoying 100% success rate with clones ready to transplant in 14-20 days depending on strain.