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  1. moveme

    Sick Girls 4

    It has been a week since I started this post. Since then I have taken the advice given by my those who were good enough to respond, I also did additional reading on the subject, in this site as well as others. Because of your informed responses I was better able to look for and find what I...
  2. moveme

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Thank you,much help, GREAT POST
  3. moveme

    Sick Girls 4

    Thanks to all for the responses so far, and sorry about the large fonts. Thanks Rikstein for your response, I thought the same thing, but could not have said it better. I think some people post just for just for the sake of adding to the number of their post. Now to answer the questions...
  4. moveme

    Sick Girls 4

    :fire: Hello Gang, and thanks in advance for the help !!! I'm growing in DWC using Dutch Master Nutrients A&B Original Grow, with Add+27, Zone, & Silica, this is complemented with DM Saturator & Liquid light 2x weekly. I am keeping the buckets 150 less less than the recommendations of 1000...
  5. moveme

    Help needed male flowers?

    To answer the last question, the GA3 was sprayed on the branch twice, three days apart, a week before flowering started. I know now that I screwed it up. The next time I will use Colloidal Silver hopefully with better results. Thanks to everyone who responded and a BIG THANKS to racerboy71 &...
  6. moveme

    Help needed male flowers?

    racerboy71, Thanks for your reply. Although I have read up on the process, I’m not completely clear on the whole thing of spraying with the gibberellic acid. Yes, I was attempting to induce flowers on my female to pollinate my other females with. Do you have any suggestions as to where I can...
  7. moveme

    Help needed male flowers?

    WHAT ARE YOU INSUINATING? I only asked for a response from those who know what they are talking about. I see that you have been here in the fourm since Janurary of this year, and have 358 post already... How many LAME answers do you give a day to get to this number? I would guess 2 to 3 per...
  8. moveme

    Help needed male flowers?

    Hello, There are many of you with much more knowledge than me please respond, I'm not sure if the branch should look like this? (see pict's) I sprayed a branch of my female Pineapple Express Auto with GA3 a week before flowering started to induce male flowers on it. The plant is now a week or...
  9. moveme

    Are my girls dressing up for the big dance ?

    All opinions, ideas, and guestimates are welcome and appreciated. On my post of 4/28/10, I’m sure I didn’t supply enough information to get all the correct answers, thanks again to all who replied... My general location is Southeastern USA. somewhere between SC and Northern FL. Near the...
  10. moveme

    Are my girls dressing up for the big dance ?

    I ADMIT THAT I KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT GROWING..... I continue to read articles, and the post here and @ other forums, and rely on help and answers from all the great and knowledgeable folks here. Once again I'm posting pictures of my girls, your comments and opinions are apreciated. When I...
  11. moveme

    Are my girls dressing up for the big dance ?

    Thanks for the replies, not only did you answer my question, but you also gave me direction to do more study and research into the anatomy of plants. I read up on the axil, terminal, axillary buds and other parts and the growth patterns, I now have a much better understanding. THANKS AGAIN
  12. moveme

    Are my girls dressing up for the big dance ?

    My girls were cloned Feb 4, 2010 grown inside and have been outside since 4/5/10 , they were properly acclimated to light and weather to the best of my ability, the best I could do or read up on. The temperature has been 55/60 nights & 70/80 during the day. This group grown in pots (space & site...
  13. moveme


    Depends on the time of year and if it is properly rooted, you might try reading up on cloning and outdoor gardening in the various threads here. I'm sure you will find what you need there...
  14. moveme

    Lady problems

    Thanks for the replies. I flushed them each in a 5 gallon bucket of water, allowing them to soak for 20-30 minutes each. I then drained both and topped both pots off with 1 inch or so of new soil. Do you think this will be enough of a purge or should I repeat again tomorrow?
  15. moveme

    Lady problems

    And it's the day after Valentines day, I must have done something wrong :lol: I’ve got a problem with my ladies. I have been, and will continue reading up on the causes and such and what to do to correct the problem. However I do recognize that you all have a wealth of knowledge and...
  16. moveme

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    THANKS for the quick response and YOUR SERVICE TO THIS COMMUNITY I neglected to qualify myself as totally literate or ignorant to items dealing with electricity, I do however know enough to have much respect for it. With that said I have one last question.(I THINK) You said...
  17. moveme

    Help needed HPS wiring

    THANKS for the quick response and YOUR SERVICE TO THIS COMMUNITY I neglected to qualify myself as totally literate or ignorant to items dealing with electricity, I do however know enough to have much respect for it. With that said I have one last question.(I THINK) You said...
  18. moveme

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Hay there IAM5TONED, thanks for the reply I have been out of town. You asked for additional information here it is. Ref: Help Needed HPS Light Thanks for your response, sorry it has taken a couple...
  19. moveme

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    PLEASE take a look at my post and tell me how to wire this light, it was given to me a couple of years ago. I would like to put a cord on it & use it for a grow light. The light was new I opened the box new no igniter or capacitor in fixture, are these included in the ballast? My original...