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  1. R

    Leaves curling.... Too much nutrient? Hydro

    here are some pics, kind of blurry because my batteries were dead
  2. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    I think my problem was the rockwool. Come to find out he didn't soak the rockwool befor taking the clones. They are doing fine I'm starting to see some activity now. Some wart looking thing on the stem where they were cut. And some of the area is turning a white color. No actual root tho.
  3. R

    Leaves curling.... Too much nutrient? Hydro

    I'll try and get some pics up after work.
  4. R

    Leaves curling.... Too much nutrient? Hydro

    Can I just dilute it to make it better? I added water to make it have less ppm. There isn't any burned or yellowing leaves. Do you think that will help. It's crazy because I don't even use close to what the instructions say on the bottle and this is happening.
  5. R

    Leaves curling.... Too much nutrient? Hydro

    I have some hash plant in a dwc setup that is 3 gallons. They are about a month old and I changed the water 5 days ago and upped the nutes a little from 400 ppm to 530 ppm and I lowered the t5 light so they are about 4 inches away. They don't look like they are dying or anything but the tips of...
  6. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    Yes I'm 18/6 hours of light.
  7. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    no roots yet but I think they are strting to do something. I have another problem with some hash plants that I have in dwc and I changed the water and uped the nutes and now the leave tips are turning up and the leave ends are turning down but no yellowing or anything out of the norm. They...
  8. R

    aerocloner... clones not rooting.

    I have the same issue kind of. I har som people say use nutes and some say don't use nutes on clones! What is it? Nutes or no nutes? Anyone really know what's best? I have an issue I posted about my clones not rooting, I souls appretiate any help if yuu want to take a look.
  9. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    do you think my lighting is too intense? I really want these to live. I have t5s for my mothers but they are in a diff room and I use dwc for those. They are hash plant and I grew them from seeds so I have had no problem and they grow like crazy in the dwc.
  10. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    They really aren't all crispy. They have a little new vertical growth but lower leaves are yellow and dying. A couple of the clones are northern lights and they are droopy and the leaves are dark and flimsy. But no roots whatsoever. I don't even see any signs of roots.
  11. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    Thanks cableguy. I'll give that a try. So is there a good chance they will still get roots?
  12. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    They are on an 18 hour on 6 off Light schedule.
  13. R

    Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting

    I am a first time grower, growing for medical purposes. I have an aeroflo type hydroponic system. I got several clones from my bro in law and he put them in rockwool and used olivias cloning gel. He told me that when I get home to put them into my system and just use water. So I did this and it...
  14. R

    Beginner and clone problems

    Is there anything I can do or should I wait an see what happens?:!:
  15. R

    Beginner and clone problems

    The light is in an air cooled hood with a 6 in inline fan to cool it off. I can touch the glass and it's barely warm. Humidity is 45% to 50% rh.
  16. R

    Beginner and clone problems

    Oh they are under a 400 watt mh but I have multiple layers of white tissue paper to reduce light intensity.
  17. R

    Beginner and clone problems

    Yes he did rinse them and soaked them in ph'ed water before he put them into the rockwool. They are no linger in te rockwool they are just suspended with water spraying them in the hydro system. The water in the Rez is 72 degrees and the ambient temp in the grow room is 75 degrees. I'm using tap...
  18. R

    Beginner and clone problems

    I am a first time grower, growing for medical purposes. I have an aeroflo type hydroponic system. I got several clones from my bro in law and he put them in rockwool and used olivias cloning gel. He told me that when I get home to put them into my system and just use water. So I did this and it...