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  1. M

    Auto Flower Hep Plz.

    hi this is my frist auto grow im growing one il diavolo auto from delicious seeds its under a 90w ufo led in a 11l pot it was growing for 6 weeks with no sign of pre flowers got told that the plant must not have the auto gen so put it in to 12/12 2 weeks ago now its in full bloom should i put it...
  2. M

    Auto Flower That Won't Flower Help

    hi i have being trying to grow delicious seeds il diavolo auto im growing one under a 90w ufo led in a 11l pot it was growing for 6 weeks 20/4 without any signs of flowering so put it in to 12/12 now that its starting to flower should i put it back to 20/4 or just leve it thanks
  3. M

    male or female

    hi i was wornding if there any way to sex a plant b4 it gos in to flowering :mrgreen:
  4. M

    help needed plant regenerate

    nah bother thanks
  5. M

    help needed plant regenerate

    ok thanks il try the 24/0 till i see that there growing new stems then il put them to 18/6 wen thay start to grow il be doing it on friday il post some pics and if you dot mind could you tell me if thay look ok or if iv dun it worng thanks agen
  6. M

    help needed plant regenerate

    ok thanks iv read that you need to keep the plants in 24/0 lite its that true or can i keep it in 18/6 and if a have to keep it in 24/0 how long do i have to leve it till i can put it to 18/6
  7. M

    help needed plant regenerate

    hi iv never rengenerated a plant b4 and would like to no how to do it and if it will produce the same yield as the plant b4 plz get back thanks:peace:
  8. M

    ak48 seeds

    hi i just got 5 female ak48 seeds form nirvana seeds and i was wondering if any one has grow it form seeds and how many poped thot and how long did thay take and wots the smoke like bongsmilie
  9. M

    wayer should i store my seeds help need

    ok thanks il put them in the pill jag and put rice in way them and il cheek that line out the now :joint::mrgreen:
  10. M

    wayer should i store my seeds help need

    hi all hows yous all doing i have just bot seeds and dot no wayer to store them should i keep them in the fridge
  11. M

    do my plants look ok pics

    it a cross way big bud aka47 and n/l and thay had being in 12/12 for 10 weeks cause of how cold its being thay took ages to grow im lucky if the grow room have being at 20 decress wen the lights no thay should be ready next week :weed:
  12. M

    do my plants look ok pics

    this is only my 2n grow and with how cold its being wast sure if that had put to much stress on them as my last grow the leves didt go like that just wanted to be on the safe side thanks for geting back
  13. M

    do my plants look ok pics

    hi do my plants look ok as here in scotland its being relly cold and not sure if my plants have being put under to much stress is that y thay look so yellow plz get back :weed:
  14. M

    need some clone help.please

    hi the rockwool works fine wot i do is tack the cutings and leve then on the window sill and after 2 to 3 weeks i can see the roots cuming oot the bottom and thats wen i put them under the big light
  15. M

    makeing my buds sweeter

    ok thanks do you sill use the bloom and the boost wen your useing the bud candy
  16. M


    ok thanks il give them ago
  17. M

    how do i get pics up

    ok cool thanks so our thaan that dus everthing look ok
  18. M

    how do i get pics up

    ok iv dun that can u help my do you no why alot of my leaves are yellow and is it any thing to worry about
  19. M

    how do i get pics up

    hi can any one tell me how to put my pics up as i have a problel i would like help with
  20. M

    makeing my buds sweeter

    i was going to give the bud candy a go iv only being growing for a year so im sill new to it how do you use the bud candy do you just use it wen the plants are in 12/12