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  1. L

    strange colored leaves during flowering

    ppms are around 1500 and the nutes were in the water just it was past due to do a full res change and new stronger and different nutes. it get 75 to 80 in there. its vented thru the ceiling into an attic with a high powered fan with tubing
  2. L

    strange colored leaves during flowering

    oh and my set up. 36- 5 gal buckets in two seperate 3x6 rows (same room) running hydroton with Hydro farm nutes air stone w/sub pump w/tubing etc 55 gallon res (filled to 40-45 gals) 2- 1000 lights 1- 1.5 feet above plants all walls sealed with reflective white mylar. heres where...
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    found this critter. put him in the veg room and looks like he's doing work on bugs.

    i been smoking him out hard. we call em steve perry
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    clones put in on the 6th of april

    we call him steve perry
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    clones put in on the 6th of april

    a mix of sour sage, oriental express and pineapple daisy. small ones to the right are bubba & ob kush that are two weeks younger than the big guys. 2nd hydro veg run ive done. let me know what you think! thankss. check out our mascot too! the mantis, and hes praying for heavy yield!
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    found this critter. put him in the veg room and looks like he's doing work on bugs.

    just figured id chec. he looked like he did that bite mark but its really just the angle of the shot. hes a hider too. hides when the lites go off i think and lurks out later. do you think mite spray would mess with him?
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    is something eating my leaves?

    and its a lavender strand
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    is something eating my leaves?

    we put this mantis guy in there but i heard there only eat bugs aka not veg eater. let me know
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    found this critter. put him in the veg room and looks like he's doing work on bugs.

    let me know if this guy should or shouldnt be in here. some sort of mantis:shock:
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    is something eating my leaves?

    what makes ur think that
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    is something eating my leaves?

    indoor. hydro ebin bucket system. i sprayed for bugs and mites today. hopefully itll kill this critter.
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    is something eating my leaves?

    saw this leaf and maybe one other with this type of "chunk" missing. also found a strange pellet almost like a dropping. do u think soemthings eating leaves? if so what thankss:hump:
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    grimey shit in the buckets and pump out box

    we are about todo a switch u think we could just wait and do it then or is it imperititve todo it now?
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    healthy plants went from good to worse. any advice or clues what do? thanks

    theres two bubbling stones. how much should a 55 gal have
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    HELP! couple of good plants giving up??

    what can i do to help/ fix the problem? up the watering a bunch when they get bigger like this? this is my first hydro run
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    grimey shit in the buckets and pump out box

    also we washed the hydroton really good. why is it so murky and such>? oh and my set up. 36- 5 gal buckets in two seperate 3x6 rows (same room) running hydroton with Hydro farm nutes air stone w/sub pump w/tubing etc 55 gallon res (filled to 40-45 gals) 2- 1000 lights 1- 1.5 feet above plants...
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    grimey shit in the buckets and pump out box

    filimey grime in the buckets and pump out box. what is it algea? is there a way to get rid of this or an easy way to remove it? lemme know thankss:bigjoint:
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    HELP! couple of good plants giving up??

    should i give me more water. its on four times a day for like 30 mins pumping in and out.