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  1. Phynch

    Fem White Rhino coming out male??

    no idea how many plants you have, but the first three are males, no doubt. that monster stem and nuts sure do say alot, sorry to let you down. nice strain choice too, try again shell come. edit: wrote pictures instead of plants
  2. Phynch

    good lights

    about 4 of the 26's for 2, 26's are about 100wats each that should be fine but the more the better edit: spelling.
  3. Phynch

    1st guerilla grow need opinions

    Thats a good idea, you could even only take them inside when you can provide better light than the sun and take them inside at night... might be worth while to try on a plant.
  4. Phynch

    What kind of plant is this?

    hahaha i read it the same way and realized it when i read your replies, don't feel to bad.
  5. Phynch

    My First Grow N It's A Female

    Happy Birthday, hahaha treat your self up man. I would, that whole kit for 40 with a 400w hps is a sick deal man go for it. I got my self a new glass piece for my birthday, its the 21st this month but i bought it early ;)
  6. Phynch

    all sneaky like......

    you can take those plastic mechanical pencils office depot sells in buld hollowem out and dump your seeds in there, put the earaser on and you friend recieves a few pencils in the mail. thats how id do it, that looks fishy bro sorry :(
  7. Phynch

    My first real grow

    Very nice plants, love your Jamaicans, and if you dont mind me asking, how much deos your 7 foor thia yield? Very nice garden looks like they lovin the sun. Peace and good luck
  8. Phynch

    PVC Pipe Hydro System

    It is,you can pick them up in Books A Million And Barns and noble or somthing, or at least grow books i figure they would be under the same law :)
  9. Phynch

    Do I have to Induce Flowering once i see Preflowers?

    the plant was also obviously made from colas as well rofl
  10. Phynch

    ever been to six flags... ON WEED?!

    i went to a fair extremely blazed one day and they had a large circle track that went verticle so you went in a full loop and that thing was nuts... i dont even like roller coasters but that shit was bomb
  11. Phynch

    Is the weed you get from dealers safe?

    Yea i doubt you got laced shiz, and who would do that to purple any way? thats like sin hahahaha but If your dealer is in it for the money or just likes to toke himself wich im sure he may be both i dont think you will ever have to worry because they would not loose money like that, the only...
  12. Phynch

    Best place to live and grow

    Daymnn that would be wild to live on a hillside of it growing
  13. Phynch

    Best place to live and grow

    Where in the world is the best place to live and grow, as far as saftey and ability to make money from it. I have always wondered and theres a few good places i could think of like California and probably Amsterdam, but i dont know the laws and conditions of every country in the world...
  14. Phynch


    So today I was reading the sept. 7th newspaper which is ver out of date but I saw in the paper where it was talking about getting slot machines in Fl and yadda yadda yadda but at the bottom it said the Fl constitution could be changed with a petition of 8% of voters who voted in the last...
  15. Phynch

    Germinating a seed in my mouth

    its like Motherly love for the plant ;-) haha. :peace:
  16. Phynch

    Good sites to pick up a piece

    AWESOME!!! thanks a ton guys. Butterfly, i was on there just wasnt sure if it was good but thanks for the recamendation i guess ill be orderin from there in the mornin hahaha im guna pick up a visa gift card, i think thats the best way to go what do you all thinK?:joint:
  17. Phynch

    Good sites to pick up a piece

    sorry also wanted to add i have googled them but alota sketch lookin sites so wanted to know if there was a reputible one thanks
  18. Phynch

    Good sites to pick up a piece

    Hey guys im lookin to pick up a new peice, was lookin at the Festival glass bongs. My friend has one and i really enjoy it so i figure ill pick one up of my own im generaly a blunt guy but i do enjoy a glass piece so does any one have any good reliable sites to order one from and have it shipped...
  19. Phynch

    SeeMoreBuds' "Marijuana Buds For Less:Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100"

    i have been lookin for books, thanks a ton :)
  20. Phynch

    look at this harvest....

    how long does a cola take to grow in genera, nice bud by the way looks like youll be happy hahaha:peace: