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  1. project45

    Q: Will a fertilized female plant make seeds or reveg?

    thanks! thought so but i always like to be sure :)
  2. project45

    Q: Will a fertilized female plant make seeds or reveg?

    So, a friend of mine put out his plants too early and when I went down to his place to take a look, I noticed 1 female and 2 male plants had already started flowerin, the males even started releasin pollen. They were standing next to each other so she's fertilized for sure. What will happen to...
  3. project45

    Improving native soil, amendments per sq. ft.

    Thanks for the input! Im gonna till the nutes into the plot and cover up the amended soil with some regular soil so the perlite doesnt stand out. This has to be done by the end of this week, so i wont be able to get a sample tested in time. I dont really have a goal for yield, I just wanna...
  4. project45

    Improving native soil, amendments per sq. ft.

    The native soil in my area is mostly loam, so im planning on just adding some nutes and perlite to the top foot of soil. Ill be mixin in my nutes eqaully over the plot, so i wont be diggin holes for each plant (lack of time + plants arent feminised so ill still have to take out the males and...
  5. project45

    Weekly Guerilla Feeding

    Thanks man! Thats the answer i've been lookin for Was thinkin of the full Canna Terra range, live in Europe so no AN, FF,..
  6. project45

    Weekly Guerilla Feeding

    Synthetic fertelizers are the road to big yields indoors and outdoor in pots, but! If you have plants in a hole in the ground (no container/bags/..) and you can only feed once a week, would synths still be your best shot if yield was your main objective? Thanks! +REP for some input :peace:
  7. project45

    Chems vs Micro Herd?

    Thanks again! But I'm from belgium, so no home depot. I live about an hour's drive from holland though so I got acces to the european grow market. I'm gettin more and more of an idea how chems affect the micros, now i'm just wonderin what gives the biggest yields outdoor with plants in the...
  8. project45

    Chems vs Micro Herd?

    Yea only problem is I already fed my plants usin chems once, didnt check on them since then but i guess in the end it will have caused more harm to the plant than good.. Anything i can do to minimize this? I'll start searchin for some sort of product to get the microorganisms back on their feet...
  9. project45

    Chems vs Micro Herd?

    Thanks! Some really helpful links, great reply I can only get to my spot about once a week, i guess that too should push me towards organics?
  10. project45

    Chems vs Micro Herd?

    I recently found out that chemical fertilizers kill the micro herd in your soil, now i could really use your help on a couple questions about this! :confused: I'm growin guerilla style this season, all regular plants are in the ground and soon i'm gonna germinate some auto's and plant them in...
  11. project45

    Question about Light and Leave Size

    Thanks! So as far as you know, there's no such thing as light saturation causin a young plant to keep it's leaves small?
  12. project45

    Question about Light and Leave Size

    anyone got an exlpanation for this?
  13. project45

    Question about Light and Leave Size

    I was wonderin if lots of light causes leaves to stay small Here's what happened I put one seedling under 60w of cfl 6500K less than an inch away 5 other seedlings were put under 60w 2700K in total, so much less light/plant and further away The 5 seedling started out stretchin way more and...
  14. project45

    Removin Borers

    And if you do it that way, do you know when you killed one? like do you see some guts or something on your needle?
  15. project45

    Removin Borers

    You have to poke at the whole in different directions and feel where the tunnel really starts, it can be pretty hard sometimes
  16. project45

    Soil mix, need advice

    I'll be mixing my own soil this year and i need some help with gettin the right amount of bleed/bone meal and lime. So far: 210L soil 25L worm castings 70L perlite So about 300L or 80gallons in total Now how much bone meal, blood meal and lime should i add to get a good mix? I'll also be...
  17. project45

    Question about Organic Earth PK 13-14

    Thanks for the input! The vegetative organic earth nutrients have an npk 12-8-11, would like feedin them 1/2 veg and 1/2 bloom nutes be a good idea? of somethin like that? Im goin to the grow shop soon, they sell Canna, BioBiezz, BioNova, GHE and Plagron nutes too. Would it be best to change to...
  18. project45

    Removin Borers

    If you're gonna buy one, be sure to take one for an electric guitar and go for an E, A or D string (those are the ones that are made out of one string wrapped around another). Between those three its up to you, dependin on how flexible you want it to be. And let me know how it worked out for...
  19. project45

    Removin Borers

    Yea I was thinkin the same thing, was afraid that if i just poked inside the hole that they would decompose too. Plus you wouldnt be sure that you really did stop them. I just checked out the plant and the one hole that i couldnt get one out has no more brown stuff comin out of it so i think...
  20. project45

    Removin Borers

    thanks. i found another hole and i got the sucker out so thats 5 out of 6 already! i love my little piece of string :grin: As long as the wire is a bit strong and sharp and flexible enough to enter the tunnel it should work