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  1. nothingnewtome

    Apartment Wiring

    I do think you can change out the circuit breaker from a fifteen to a twenty as long as the can fit the same spot in the board, they pop on and out from where the plug in. Your wiring should be all set as long as it a descent 120v wiring. If you were trying to run a 220v breaker you would want...
  2. nothingnewtome

    Plants dieing, please look.

    If your home water ph is 6.0, then over time the ph of your soil has probably increased quite a bit. go ahead and try to flush it. Check out the grow faz. this is the link to plant problems. You should be able to find what you need.
  3. nothingnewtome

    Nutrient Burn?

    Man, Dont worry about the broken branch. The a plants stem if craked can recover, so thats your least of concerns. But if your fertilizer is potent and you've been watering with just that, it could be nute burn. Also, you leaves and stem, WILL absorb nutrients, so its been getting nutrients...
  4. nothingnewtome

    Lots of questions? help Please

    It is possible to get multiple harvest off one plant without cloning. Im not sure on how it's done, but i do know that you will need to start pulling buds. From what i remeber (dont do this without any other approvals from other users) You will completly remove and harvest from the top third of...
  5. nothingnewtome

    Small Trial Led Garden

    That's some sik shit man, holy f*ck. You've to let us know how that bud turns out. F&ck. Sweet.
  6. nothingnewtome

    merry christmas... check out my tree. :)

    My first grows have both turned out to be male plants. Im so upset. Hopefully when my new seeds germ they'll be females. But hey, betcha can't wait to smoke it.
  7. nothingnewtome

    Question: What are these???

    Here, look at this link if you thought they looked bad on the plant. Get them off of that plant, i feel like throwing up.
  8. nothingnewtome

    Question: What are these???

    I've done some research on those scale insects, Pull em, kill em, and continue to grow em. The plant should survive. The grow their eggs inside of the females, and yes they do suck the nutrients out of the plant which will look like a sap, or resin. You can save. Just dont waste any time pulling...
  9. nothingnewtome

    What does this mean? (pics)

    Increase the ph to about 6.5, everything i've on this site sais to have it right between 6.5 to 6.8. Also, do what they say, and get those lights a bit further away.
  10. nothingnewtome

    6 fingered leaf!

    nothing wrong with it, i've had a 4, But hey, those are some compact plants for the size pot you have don't yuh think. keep em going.
  11. nothingnewtome

    6 fingered leaf!

    Nothing to worry about, i've had a 4 before, didn't do a damn thing to it.
  12. nothingnewtome

    Lowryder 2 minimum pot size for growing?

    If you don't plan on growing it to tall a six inch should be fine to me. I've got a plant at least 16" tall, I did have some trouble with rooting at first but that should have been something I should have taken care of early on. But it's budding now (but it may end up being a male) and i'm...
  13. nothingnewtome

    My Grow Room Need Help Lots Of Pics

    I posted to you're other forum but just so you know, Those roots on those plants need more room to grow friend. Get something bigger and like i read on you're other post, It does look like you could be overwatering. Get some bigger pots, bury those things deeper and get some fresh soil. On;y...
  14. nothingnewtome

    (narpal) Is 2 Feet Good Enough To Flower And Is It Good Enough To Take Cuttings

    Get those lights closer to those plants man, You should have some seven leaves on them by now, another thing i spotted. You're pots you planted, are those large enough to let you're roots spread around, especially at two feet tall. Transplant them to something bigger and should start to get...
  15. nothingnewtome

    Growing With Floros

    Alright, I used to use a 600 watt haloigen, but people on this site told me to discard it, So now i'm using two 4ft flourescent bulbs. I've actually seen the difference. Cfl's should help control how tall you will grow you're plant, but like they've said, it's not good when flowering. So me...
  16. nothingnewtome

    Yea i know, Lets just stare at it

    Different music could cause different stress levels. Thats why they suggest to have it completly quiet. But if anyone get's great results playing putting a speaker next to their plant and plays thrash all night, if it works let me know. Alright, just an observation, but everyone i've smoked...
  17. nothingnewtome

    :joint: heres a good case of good luck.

    Grow it if, it's a win-win situation. Female hey, you get more weed and can forget about life for a while. If it's a male, it's just more growing expeirience.
  18. nothingnewtome

    First Post

    i'm new to this site as well, but it's great and you can find out anything you need to about about growing, including the sites own growfaq which has all the information you need too. oh, and my grow space dimensions are almost exactly the same as yours and im on my first grow, and i've my plant...
  19. nothingnewtome

    these seeds just aint opening

    not sure if its effective or not but it's always been dependable for me, pinch the seed in your fingers, tight but not too tight, if it pops it's a preme and wouldn't of germinated. But i've only heard this one from a small crowd, someone correct me if it's not entirly true.
  20. nothingnewtome

    How Old and Experienced are you!!!???

    19, beginner. Everything i know about growing i've learned on this site, and enjoy every second of watching the plants grow.