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  1. C

    Coco PH to high. Help

    I can never get pics to load on here. I’m not sure why but it’s probably something I’m doing wrong. Normally is. However to look at them you couldn’t tell anything is wrong as they look great. I’m just hoping that my runoff readings aren’t relevant and they stay healthy throughout the grow. Just...
  2. C

    Coco PH to high. Help

    I just assumed runoff was supposed to be checked and it tells you what’s going on in your medium or so I’ve read 1000 times in 1000 different threads. I’ve read other post where people say that they have PH issues in veg and the plants look fine but as soon as they flip to flower the issues show...
  3. C

    Coco PH to high. Help

    First time using coco and my PH is way to high. 7 to 7.2 in some plants. I’m checking the runoff with a digital apera ph tester. Even though this is the case I see no issues with any leaves. The plants seem to be completely healthy and growing just fine. I’m using canna coco in 3 gallon fab...
  4. C

    Soil PH or Soil PH Runoff

    I guess the direct to the point question is which should I be most concerned about. Soil ph or runoff ph?!?! Reason I ask! I have a bluelab soil ph pen and a Apera PH20 ph tester for the water only. Both are in calibration. The feed water going in is ph’d to 6.8. Soil is a fox farm and canna...
  5. C

    Soil PH and High PPM Issue

    Growing in 2 5 gallon pots. Fox Farms oceans forest soil and fox farms nutes. I’ll try and get some pics. Not sure if pics will help a ton though as just looking at the plants they look nice. Just the buds not near as big as you would think it should be.
  6. C

    Soil PH and High PPM Issue

    New at all this and have 2 small plants for personal use. My buds aren’t getting big at all. Been doing so more reading and I think they may be nute locked. I checked the runoff while I was feeding tonight and the PH was around 5.2 and it maxed out my ppm meter which I think goes to 1500. I was...
  7. C

    Bud looks and smells great taste bad

    Just it maybe just part of the hole process. I know people say mothers are the way to go as you know what your going to end up with but I to like variety. Lol. May next time I find one that's the hole package so to speak I'll keep it as a mother and still use a few seeds to have the variety. I...
  8. C

    Bud looks and smells great taste bad

    Water is distilled from Walmart. Our city water is horrible.
  9. C

    Bud looks and smells great taste bad

    I used seeds this past time for the reason u are stating. Thought the plants I cloned from just didn't have the right genes. Which could be right because they really didn't taste well either. Just thought that was my fault. Like I said this has been a on going prob for about a year and a half...
  10. C

    Bud looks and smells great taste bad

    Just recently from seeds but most if the time they are clones
  11. C

    Bud looks and smells great taste bad

    I can't seem to get my bud to taste like it should. I've read different threads but nothing I try seem to help. So I'm seeking some personalized info. The strains. DNA sour kush, DNA cataract kush, and ghs super lemon haze. Nutrients are botanicare. 5 gallon pots that I flush as follow. 2 weeks...
  12. C

    PH help. PLEASE!!!

    They appear to be nice and healthy. A few of the bottom leaves have some brown spots of the but leaves at the top are nice and green. The plants are about foot and a half tall.
  13. C

    PH help. PLEASE!!!

    The plants look fine as far as that goes. Just want them to be able to take in all the nutes they can. Also I couldnt figure out y I was flushing and the ph was not coming up. Anyways I will try some off you apps advice and hope for the best. Ha ha.
  14. C

    PH help. PLEASE!!!

    Didn't mean to start a war. Lol. I do appreciate all of your advice. Some times disagreeing can be a good thing and force us to look at something a different way and maybe even learn something new. Then again maybe not. Oh well. The
  15. C

    PH help. PLEASE!!!

    TH. please see my first post and see if it makes since. Ph of water going in is 6.8-7. Run off is close to or under 5. 5 gal pots and I ran 5 gal oh ph 7 water thru them and ph didn't change a bit still at about 5. Hell I even put the plant in the shower and just let the water run through them...
  16. C

    PH help. PLEASE!!!

    I hear ya. Since I am new at this I try and read as much as I can and this seems to be something a lot of people say needs to be monitored. I feel if your going to do something it needs to be done right. Is there ever a time you check you run off? If so what do you find it normally is? Thanks...
  17. C

    PH help. PLEASE!!!

    So you don't need to worry about correcting the run off ph? Almost everything I've read says that the run off ph should be no lower than 6. Mine has to be close to 5. I really don't know. I'm new to this and my last few grows could use improvement and this is one thing I didn't take notice of...
  18. C

    PH help. PLEASE!!!

    Have read many threads on this and can't find one that really pertains to my problem. My plants are about 6 weeks old from seed And still in veg. Soil is fox farm ocean with added perlite. I put some Pelletized lime in it I got from lowes. Said it was garden lime. Have only feed once so far with...
  19. C

    First time mother plant. Need advice.

    Do you all think 4 t5 would be sufficient for this or would I need 8.
  20. C

    First time mother plant. Need advice.

    What do you mean when you say don't let them touch the walls or ceiling. I had planned mounting 4 on one side and 4 on the other. I was going to mount them on the wall with some screws. Is that not a good idea. If not what would be the best way