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  1. Pipesaw Johnny

    Some Nug Porn. Just days from harvest

    Nice looking nugs bro. I got a 3' x 3' x 7' right now got a 400mh and 125cfl my girls look good I need to take some pictures and post them up.Yours are looking great.
  2. Pipesaw Johnny

    when to change light cycle

    You bend it over so your bottom branches get more light that way you'll get more colas.
  3. Pipesaw Johnny

    Do my leaves look ok??

    Your plants look fine. I wouldn't even worry about it. The best way to tell if your watering too much is to buy a moist tester they sell in gardening store for about $7. I usually let mines go about a three and then I water. I would probably wait 1 more week before you transplant.
  4. Pipesaw Johnny

    AK-48 & master kush 400w HPS Grow

    Your plants look good man. Do you have a fan blowing on them? What are your temperatures in the room?
  5. Pipesaw Johnny

    Hey man I was just wondering if I should harvest already, because one of my ladies got bud rot...

    Hey man I was just wondering if I should harvest already, because one of my ladies got bud rot. I noticed it yesterday morning. It doesn't look all the way finished to me, but I think I got it from that shitty ass humidity that we got Saturday. I never seen bud rot before on my indoor plants...
  6. Pipesaw Johnny

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    When should I harvest Train Wreck.
  7. Pipesaw Johnny

    Mold on girls?? Almost ready To Harvest

    The Blueberry is on the left, Trainwreck in the middle, and some kind of Skunk on the right.
  8. Pipesaw Johnny

    Mold on girls?? Almost ready To Harvest

    Today we started to get some wind, the sun wont be out until Tuesday. They'll stay under the cover for a while. I got my daughter's playground helping me out right now. Also got some thieves trying to get my legal grow while the dog was in the house for the night, because it was raining really...
  9. Pipesaw Johnny

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    Well here is the bad girl of the block. Yeah right so friendly unless provoked and even then she just really wants to kiss you all over. I love those AMS.
  10. Pipesaw Johnny

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    I love this thread. My little Pitty is my first dog ever and she is so fun. At first she was trying to dig into the pots but now she guards them like they are hers. I'll post some pics. later. Pittys are the best planon getting another one after this years harvest. I've seen one on an animal...
  11. Pipesaw Johnny

    To stake or not to stake? Fost too

    I'm also in Oregon I've seen the powdery mildew also I wiped off with my thumb and let it get more light and it went away. My ladies are close to fence, so what I did I tied a rope to go across the fence and I tied my branches up to that. It's been working so far. I hate this rain that and...
  12. Pipesaw Johnny

    Mold on girls?? Almost ready To Harvest

    Should I harvest my palnts already? I seen some mold on three of them took the mold of with gloves. And don't see anymore. It rained really hard and it was so fucking humid last night. I tarped them up prior to it the rain coming down this weekend. Should I harvest them early. My Trainwreck has...
  13. Pipesaw Johnny

    Hey man nice pics. I'm also from Oregon. First time grower though but for a first time I think...

    Hey man nice pics. I'm also from Oregon. First time grower though but for a first time I think I'm doing pretty good will post pics. soon.
  14. Pipesaw Johnny

    out of control TRAINWRECK! please help! w/pics

    That's an awesome grow. Very inspiring. I have one TW right now it's in a ten gallon bucket and about 5ft. It's getting so thick that last night it rained and they were almost falling over. I made a little cover over her so she wouldn't get rained as bad, because the forecast calls for rain all...
  15. Pipesaw Johnny

    Broken Stem Outdoors first time

    Thanks a lot. I let her heal.
  16. Pipesaw Johnny

    Northwest Outdoor 2010 2nd grow with pics!!!

    It's very forgiving she takes a lot of punishment. I grew it indoors in 4 x 4 tent with 400Watt hps. She did really good. Give it about nine weeks of flowering and it will come out super. I'm trying it outdoors this summer and she is doing so good it's the pic on my profile. Real proud of her.
  17. Pipesaw Johnny

    Broken Stem Outdoors first time

    Thanks by the way yours looked great. How long should I wait before taking the duct tape off?
  18. Pipesaw Johnny

    Broken Stem Outdoors first time

    Okay. First time grower outdoors. And first time this has ever happened to me. I woke up this morning and I found that one of my stems had a crack and my leafs were just hanging. I use some duct tape and I tied the rest of the stem on to some bamboo. Will my Orange Skunk survive?