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  1. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    but its not a full does of it because the red spectrum is missing so its the same ass cutting fertilizer in half they still do what they do just a little bit faster i notice.but your right that is why veging your plants 24/24 hurts a plant you need 16/8
  2. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    ok plants tell time by how much light they get right?its the lost of light that makes the plant flower right?well how does it know it lost any light? it knows this because it lost some light. ok well if it knows it lost light.what part does it notice its missing?there are three primary colors...
  3. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    but when the lights are off i believe you can make the plant photosynthesis at night with the blue spectrum until you try it your self how can you argue
  4. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    how many times do i have to say I know that
  5. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    thats because i have to explain why would you want to make a plant photosynthesis at night duhh
  6. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    well blue spectrum is the photosynthesis color along with red but you cant use red because the plant will think the lights on.all you have to do is add green and you have white light. so yes i believe you can make a plant photosynthesis at night with blue light
  7. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    i know this you still need hid or cfls.but when the lights are off you can induce photosynthesis and the plant will still think its dark.that is helpful because plants dont photosynthesis at night. it could be possible to make a plant that takes 9 or 10 weeks to flower,make it finish in 6 or 7
  8. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    blacklights are good enough for photosynthesis only thats all i want when i use them at night so they are strong for what i want
  9. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    and you know this because a chart say so?you can still grow a plant under a blacklight so its putting out some kind of light
  10. R

    green light spectrum?

    and why do i need a control we all know plants grow with hid or cfl.has anyone experimented with shinning different spectrums when the lights are off?ooooooooh well i have with plenty off trial and error i say 3 grows because they are my most successful grows with my theory
  11. R

    green light spectrum?

    until you try it and see for yourself please leave me alone. i have done this i have proof what do you have?nothing but hot air.when you try my theory then you can talk if not stfu
  12. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    i know that read all my post and stop selective reading
  13. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    dude i know still need hid etc.but when the lights are off its different you can use other spectrums off light to do diffrent things you are not reading all my post
  14. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    dude i know this are you not reading what im saying?if you can induce the plant to think its dark and still photosynthesis would it not grow faster and still need a hid or cfl too.but when the lights are off the plant does not photosynthesis,it does other functions.but what if you...
  15. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    have you used a blacklight from start to finish and thats the only light?please tell me you have if not you need to do your research
  16. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    im saying that i planted 10 plants i flower them and get ten males not females.people say that seeds are xx or xy male or female from seed and i say thats not true what do you not get?
  17. R

    how does a plant know that it is dark?

    just dont think you get what im saying
  18. R

    green light spectrum?

    your right about that,but some people say the glass is halfway full. well I say the glass is halfway empty.I have done research through trail and error.i did not always have a computer when I was growing.anyway people say darkness makes plants flower they are right right right. but how does it...
  19. R

    green light spectrum?

    I dont care what the chart says lol.people need too stop that and be open to new ideas.I remember on one of my first grows before i knew about ph,i was growing 10 plants and my soil was not right, i got all 10 males no bull, well now I know to check ph close LOL. but wait,what about xx xy...
  20. R

    green light spectrum?

    the blue lghts your talking about are not all the way have to use a very strong blue like a blacklight. you have us a bulb that exactly the color it says it is, not a blue tinted softwhite that plant growers use