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  1. R

    black light?

    marijuana does not use the green spectrum do your research
  2. R

    black light?

    uuuuh why do you think when the lights are off when flowering you can use a green light and it wont effect the flowers? thats because marijuana does not use the green spectrum!
  3. R

    black light?

    green light does nothing they dont use the green spectrum
  4. R

    want to produce more females than males with regular seed ?

    no comments you believe in xx xy xz zp yy seed is a male or female from the start my very very first time i grew i planted 15 and got 15 males no shit i was pissed
  5. R

    Suggestions needed: Reliable website/companies to buy grow lights

    if you are on a budget here is a link where i get my lights
  6. R

    black light?

    for sure i will give full updates
  7. R

    Yes you can produce more females from Reg seeds.

    Yeah ph and blue light make a big diffrence
  8. R

    Yes you can produce more females from Reg seeds.

    I dont believe that xx xy stuff my first grow before i knew about ph i grew 15 plants all males no shit i was pissed. So i did research and now i get at least 7 8 females out of ten seed with just watching ph and adding a black when the lights are off! Genetics prove it!
  9. R

    want to produce more females than males with regular seed ?

    go to this tag
  10. R

    black light?

    Has anyone used a black light or a fish aquarium cfl with hid for more blue spectrum during veg? Im gonna used 2 black lights cfl s 2 daylight cfl s and a 400 watt hps the entire grow on my next grow! Thinking that might be a good combo for spectrum.i grew this batch with 4 cfls and 3 200 pure...
  11. R

    Grow room questions...

    400 watt mh hps ballest is perfect for 4 plants. You need mh for veg and hps flower
  12. R

    Started Flowering Today. They are 28 Days from Seed! Getting Pumped!

    I see you have soft whites! Run down to home depot and get some natural sunlight spectrum lights your baby is gonna need as much light as they can get! Thats if you want dense nice buds if not keep what you have
  13. R

    80F and 65% humidity - dehumidifiers

    add another fan that should help a lot
  14. R

    new grow room

    believe it or not i have 4 cfls i forgot the lumens and 3 indecent natural sun 200 watts.well that is a old picture i will be investing in a hid in the future. my buds were good and strong but buds was not heavy
  15. R

    New Grower

    deer love weed too lol
  16. R

    new grow room

    that is plenty space but there is one problem take that foil down and pant your grow space white! foil is gonna absorb your lumens and light you need all the lumens you can get onto your plants. i put a picture to show.
  17. R

    dolomite lime per gallon of soil

    your adding lime to plants already in pots growing? If so I usually add a cup or two to a gal of water shack it and add two plants with no the ph and add again after a couple of days if I need two
  18. R

    How do I order from Attitude with a gift card?

    you need to have a international gift card VISA and register it online its the only way with a gift card
  19. R

    want to see my first grow?

    ohh yeah its white widow
  20. R

    want to see my first grow?

    this is it guys!!